32. only time that we stop laughing is to breathe or steal a kiss

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~ Warning, smutty end 👀 ~

It's the end of the month already and I still haven't found anything that suits me. I spent every night scrolling through job listings, I checked with all the museums, galleries, archives, universities, and other cultural institutions in London, but the only few open positions that I found so far would require taking a step back or a scary step forward. I applied to everything anyway, at this point I may consider both. I haven't heard anything back yet.

I'm nervous, but this new excitement is good, makes me feel alive. And I'm feeling much lighter now that Alex and I found each other again and reopened the contact.
I've kept him updated on my job search while he's been texting funny stories from the studio.

It's funny how we're both holding ourselves from virtually jump in each other arms. I just want to tell him how much I miss him, love him and need him back. That I'm over the moon we reconnected and the idea that we may be together again makes my heart skip a beat. It's so obvious that he's doing the same. We're like walking on eggshells, so scared of breaking this delicate thread which miraculously linked us again.
But tonight he asked me to talk on the phone again.

"A-nna, just one more thing girl..." he sings when I answer his call, making me giggle. The song takes me back to the night when we first met, when I almost melted all over that loveseat, hearing him sing my name. The effect it has on me now isn't much different.
"I have news!" he says, particularly chipper.
"Oh? Shoot!"

"So, I was at a party last night and I ended up chatting with a producer for BBC. You know that history program... I think it's called "Blast from the Past"?
"Mmh, not really, I'm on the other side of the world and, if you remember, I don't have cable TV."
"Oh right. Well, it's a cool TV program on the History Channel, about ancient history and archaeology, you know, your stuff. It's pretty entertaining and even fun, I bumped into it a few times. They were talking about Etruscans once and made me think of you." I perceive his smile.

"My Etruscans! ...so what about this TV program?"
"Yeah, so, hear this. They're looking for someone to host a new segment of the program dedicated to women, so they want a female presenter. The person they had selected for it bailed and they start recording at the end of January, so they're pretty desperate. They'll have new auditions in December. He assumed that I know tons of people I guess,"
Tons of women, I'm sure the guy said,
"...and asked me to spread the voice. I told him I actually know someone who would be perfect for it."

"What? Me?! On TV? You're kidding me, right?!"
"Why not? You'll have to talk about things you're passionate about. You are good at that. I saw you. Remember when you showed me around the museum and I told you you should be on the history channel? Now you may be on it for real!"
"I cannot go on TV!! I don't have any experience and I'm easily the person on Earth who most hates being at the center of attention."

"I think you'd be perfect. They're not necessarily looking for experienced people, but for interesting people. Watch some episodes if you can. It's totally your style. They're very informative but they keep it entertaining and light, adding some humor. That's just like you do it and that's what they're looking for. It comes naturally to you. And you've got the charisma and the face for it. Plus, you're knowledgeable. They'll love you."

I'm dumbfounded about all of this. "What face?"
"Well, your unique, pretty face. And you know full well that you're very expressive. Those eyes...and your smile would break the screen."
I feel my face blushing hot.
"But I'm so shy! I don't know Alex! Omg this is crazy."
"You can do it baby! At the Gala, last year, you talked in front of hundreds of people and you rocked it. With this you won't have an audience there to look at you. And it isn't live, it would just be a recording. It would be easier."

Nothing You've Come To Expect - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now