26. she clings to his consciousness wherever he lays

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~NOTE: Y/n got a name! From now on she will be Anna Riccardi. Alex and her friends may also call her Ann or Annie.~

"Oh my god! Alex! "ALEX!"
I check his pulse at his neck and it's very accelerated. This is bad. This is very bad.
I grab my phone in a hurry, I call 911. I keep shaking him, trying to wake him up as I wait for them to answer. "ALEX! WAKE UP! Oh my god!" I feel tears pooling in my eyes. I'm fucking panicking.

"911, what's your emergency?" A female voice.
"It's... It's my boyfriend, he's- I found him on the floor!"
"Ok, ma'am," she replies very calmly, "is he responsive?"
"No, no he's not! But he-"
"Does he have a pulse?"
"Yes, yes! His heartbeat is super fast. It's not normal...and he's very hot at the touch, he's burning up. He's not waking up! I don't know what to do!" I'm talking loudly, in distress.
"I'll tell you what to do, ok ma'am? First of all, I need an address so I can send help."
I give her the necessessary information, struggling to get out of the panic fog to focus on numbers and street names.

"Ok, ma'am, help is on the way, alright? What is your name honey? And his?"
"Anna. He's Alex."
"Ok Anna, now I want you to find a couple of cloths, or towels, run them under cold water and apply them on Alex's forehead and neck. We want to try to cool him down." She keeps talking very calmly and I appreciate that so much.
"Yes! Ok!" I do what she says.

"Do you know if he took something like meds? Drugs? Substances?"
"He was at a party, he said he had too much to drink and went home 'cause he wasn't feeling well. A friend said he may have taken drugs. Alex sounded strange on the phone...not just drunk. He said his head was spinning very bad and he was feeling sick. Looks like he threw up. He sounded agitated, egdy. This was about one hour ago, maybe less... I tried to come here as fast as I could." I sob.
"You did good, Anna."

"Alex! Wake up baby!" I whimper as I blot his face and neck with the wet towels, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"You're doing great, Anna." The operator reassures me.
"What is it?! Alcohol poisoning?"
"It definitely sounds like he had too much of something, but not just alcohol."
Coke. Fuck. Oh fuck
"The combo can be dangerous. But we got him, ok Anna?"

"I need to call Miles and Ceci," I talk to myself.
"If you want to do that, our call will be disconnected. Is it OK with you? The ambulance will be there any minute now, Anna. You can do it without me. Just keep applying the wet cloths, make them cold again."
"Ok. Yes. Thank you so much ma'am. Thank you."

I call Ceci explaining the situation, upset and in tears, while I keep tending to Alex.
They're still at the party. Miles is still asleep and hammered, but now we worry that he may have abused drugs as well, other than alcohol.
She wakes him up, and aside from being completely shitfaced, he's ok.
"Mi, MI! what did you guys do? Coke?"
I hear Ceci asking him, she's freaking out. "Just tell me! They're taking Alex to the hospital! What did he take??"
"WHAT? Oh fuck! There's blow going around...Nigel was here, Al was hanging with him..." I hear Miles saying in the background, dragging his words.
Fuck, I knew it.
I see red and blue flashing lights coming in from the window.

"Ceci they're here." I run downstairs.
"Ok babe, tell me where they take him ok?! We'll get there as soon as we know."
"Of course. Please don't tell anyone for now."

The paramedics run upstairs with their equipment and quickly kneel down to Alex, checking his vitals. They ask me questions. I share my suspicions with them.
I stand on the side out of their way, clasping my hand on my nose, sobbing. I see them injecting something in his arm.
"What's his name?"
"Alex! Come on buddy!" One of them calls, patting on Alex's cheek.
I don't know what they did and what they gave to him, but I sigh of relief when I hear him groaning. "Mmmhhh..."
"Babe?! Oh my god..."

Nothing You've Come To Expect - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now