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Hello, I'm back! I updated and edited Chapter 3, when Alex and Anna meet. I added a couple of cute scenes and a song. (All the comments went down 😭)
I'm posting those updated parts here below, in case one doesn't feel like going all the way back. As for the rest of the chapters, I'll just add her new name.

Also, someone didn't get the notification for my new chapter. I posted a new chapter last night, n. 26.

Chapter 3 - new scenes:

"And where did love go?"
"It went...to somebody younger and prettier than me....a month after he proposed." I laughed sarcastically.
"Mmh. Wow! What a fool. Hats off to the dickhead, tho, for finding somebody prettier; it seems like a 'mission impossible' to me."
"Oh, pfft. That wouldn't be very difficult."
"No, no, no. I wholeheartedly disagree with you, ..." he showed me the palm of his hand, inviting me to tell him my name.
Wait, is he flirting with me? Or is he just being nice?
I think I lost some brain cells during that exchange.
"Anna..." he repeated, slowly, making an effort to pronounce the double N in the correct way.
I visibly gulped.

"Anna, just one more thing girl," he started singing. I looked at him astonished, like I had seen a ghost.

"You give back your ring to me
And I will set you free
Go with him."

Oh my god. His voice. And his smile was so damn sweet.
I felt my cheeks flushing. I was probably fifty shades of red.
"Sorry...They probably sing it to you all the time."
I couldn't talk. I swallowed the lump in my throat and I gave my tongue another go. "I- no, not really...not like...that."
"So Anna did give the ring back, after all."
I laughed. "Oh, she did. She threw it at him."
He looked down chuckling.


Thankfully Miles came by because it was getting dangerous. He must have heard us laughing and, without doubt, he caught us being all smiles to each other.
"Oh there you are. I was looking for ya all over the place. Oh, hi!" he greeted me with a nice big smile.
"Miles this is Anna. Anna, Miles, as you probably already know."

"Anna, before you go now," Miles sang and Alex followed his lead, singing with him.

"I want you to know now
That I still love you so
But if he loves you more, go with him."

Miles sat down between us and threw an arm around Alex's shoulders. They kept the song going, singing dramatically under my surprised and amused look.

"All of my life
I've been searching for a girl
To love me like I love you

But every girl I've ever had
Breaks my heart and leave me sad
What am I, what am I supposed to do?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..."

I clapped when they stopped, laughing. I was amazed.
Alex recomposed and looked at me with an apologetic expression. "Sorry again."
"No, that was awesome!"
"Nice to meet you, Anna," Miles said shaking my hand.
Nice to meet you Miles, I'm a big fan of you guys!"
"Uh! A fan!" he said, amused, and patted his friend's shoulder. Alex gave him a menacing stare.
"What did you want, Miles, by the way?"
"Nothing important. Just checking where you were. I'll leave you two alone." And he left with a huge grin on his face.
"Sorry, darling, don't mind him."

There's actually an audio of Alex and Miles singing that song, but I can't upload it here!

I will delete this note in some time.

*Thanks for the attention, we can go back to our regular programming!*

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