4. well you need not come coke-head close to me

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I didn't hear from him for a couple of days and I didn't have the guts to contact him. I almost did, two or three times, but I felt too shy. I was embarrassed by my blunt replies from that night.

My week had been torture, as you can imagine.

It started at work, the day after, when I listened to the tunes Alex suggested; when his favorite Mina's song came up, I dropped whatever I was doing and suddenly I was feeling very hot. The lyrics of that song are kind of suggestive and sexy.

I wondered if he knew what they said, but I was sure he did or, at least, had an idea. As a lyricist, he must take interest in the words of a song, doesn't matter the language. That thought, and the fact that he suggested it to me, put me in a weird state.
My boss walked by my office and saw me all flushed, trying to keep myself together. "Are you ok, Anna?"
Damnit, Turner!

I decided that I would text if he didn't contact me soon. There was no way I was gonna let this go.
But then I finally got something in the middle of the week.

Saturday at my place from 6PM Ceci's birthday party xxx

I was drinking coffee on my break and I almost chocked.
The message sounded a little impersonal but well, at least he didn't forget about me. Then I noticed that it was actually sent to a group of people.

Cool! I'll be there. How are you doing? :)

He replied right away.

Doing fine darling and you?
I listened to the songs. And I started the book the other night.

Nice, and what do you think?

If you're free tonight I'll call you and I'll tell you then.

I am free. Call anytime :)

Do you think I got any work done that day?

I waited for that call like a kid waits for Santa on Christmas Eve.
The phone vibrating with his name on the screen set my guts on fire.
"Hello!" I'm sure he percieved the huge grin on my face.
"Hello Anna! How are you?" Hearing his voice on the phone made my heart flutter.
"Good. Well, now more like, great."
"How's your week going?" I wasn't sure why in the world he would be interested in my week.
"Uhmm...kinda unproductive, actually," I replied ironically, "too distracted." I heard him smile.
"So are you coming over on Saturday?"
"Yes I will, thank you for inviting me!"
"Of course. You can invite your flatmate, if you like. Anyway, you were right, that book is a todal trwip."
"Are you making fun of my accent? Because I'd have a lot to say about yours." I joked
"Absolutely not."
"I ignited a war, I suppose."
"You bet. So what's you favorite part so far?"
"Mmh..." he thought for a bit, "The Mirror Gate."
"Interesting, why did you like it?"
"Because...the mirror showed him for what he was and to enter he had to go through as his real self. It takes a substantial amount of courage to see yourself for what you really are."
He probably knows something about that, coming from a world ruled by appearances.

At some point I asked him if he knew the translation of that song.
"Yeah, I've read it of course, but I wouldn't mind a refresh and it'd be interesting to hear it from an actual Italian, now that you make me think about it, Anna."
Somebody help me.
And we talked and talked, for maybe an hour, about all sorts of things. I spent the rest of the night smiling at the ceiling, thinking about our conversation.

Then Saturday arrived. Claudia had a gig that day so, there I was, alone speeding down the I-5 North.
I showed up with a big pan of homemade lasagne that made me very popular that night. It was a good idea, that dish is the ace up my sleeve.
Alex's smile welcomed me and I felt the luckiest person in the world. He was dressed simply, with black jeans and a white buttoned (unbuttoned?) down shirt, the sleeves rolled up, and tennis shoes; but he looked like a million dollars. His hair, combed back, looked slick and gave an elegant touch to the casual look. That made him look incredibly sexy.

Nothing You've Come To Expect - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now