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I see it.

While sitting with my friends around the coffee shop table, laughing at a joke made.
While overhearing a stranger, excitedly talking about a new movie coming out.
While sat in my living room with mum and dad, a cup of tea in hand, it's dark outside but the tv lights the room.

While catching people in moments they feel safe. I find that deep inside we are all still children, looking for the security of each other at the end of a long day.

I see it in the way your eyes still close when you smile, your face lights up and your cheeks become rosy.
I see it in the way she can't sleep without someone there, she had always shared with her sisters and now it feels wrong in an empty room.
I see it as I show you my painting, hoping you'll say how pretty it is, hoping your eyes will glaze over with a look of pride.

I see it when we are vulnerable, when we are being ourselves, when we are free to behave as we please.

It makes me want to wrap you up, protect you from the things that scare you. Protect you from your own feelings, the ones you use to still hurt yourself with. I want to sit with you and help you unlearn all the bad habits and ways of being that your parents taught you.

I want you to know it's okay to just exist. It's okay to be hurt. to be happy. to be angry. It's okay if you need to be held sometimes. To be told how proud we are of you. How glad we are that you're here. How you don't have to do all of this alone. I want to rock you side to side as your head lay on my chest. I want to wipe your tears as you cry.

I want to tell you, it's okay to not be okay. We don't have to pretend to be strong.


Hey! So that's the end of part 2 in the series, how did you enjoy this part??

I find that understanding others and others understanding me has always been something I've struggled with. I find that humans as a whole are so unpredictable, yet that's what makes us so interesting I think, it's what makes getting to know people so exciting.

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