3 Days Left

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The two inklings finished their breakfast and washed the plates, they checked the time and it was 10:01 am

When they finished...

"Hey Gloves....?" Goggles looked at him with the cutest face he could make.

"I Know! Dont think I forgot about our little chat last night!" He looked to the side.

"Good!" Goggles smiled and pulled out his phone that was stuffed in his pocket.

Riders Birthday!!! Dont Forget!!》 3 Days

He sighed and put his phone back.

"So, what kind of present do you think would Suit Rider?" Gloves sat on the chair next to him with his legs still out on the side.

"I dont know.." Goggles looked.

"But he's in your 1st story apartment room, your his neighbor up stairs, shouldn't you usually know some things important about him?" He asked and sat in his chair fully tucking his legs under the table.

"Yeah but...if you've known Rider long enough, you'd know he's secretive at times" Goggles folded his arms on the table and rested his head on top.

"Wanna Go look for presents in the meantime?"

"Hmmm Sure." Goggles got up and waited near the door, Gloves had to change, when he was done, they made their way out the door and a cold breeze hit them both in the face.

"Breezy Isnt it?" Gloves looked over at Goggles

"Yeah but I've got a sweater"

And I dont he thought and looked over all around for a store they could shop at.

"Hmm how about...a shoe store?" Gloves pointed

"hmph, okay" Goggles agreed and the both made their way to the Shoe store.

Time Skip

After a while of looking they realized that these shoes were 1, too expensive for Goggles, and 2, they definitely weren't Riders Style. Gloves took him to all the stores he knew that had good quality items but it didn't work. Goggles hadn't lost hope though he put on a strong face for Gloves not to notice if he were to cry, and everytime they were brought to failure of not finding anything, he'd repeatedly mutter to himself,

"I'll Stay Strong for you Rider"

"Ughhh those are all the stores I know-"

"And the only stores there are."

"Alright, im starting to cramp up, wanna grab a quick bite from Crusty Sean's Shop? This counts as your Dinner though"

"Alright" Goggles and Gloves found a table to sit at and Goggles sat there waiting for Gloves to return with his meal and beverage. When Gloves came back, Goggles' cheeks were sore, so he wasn't smiling anymore. When Gloves asked him about how he was doing Goggles simply nodded and implied he was fine. They finished their meals and drinks and Gloves payed for the meal. They sat down in their chairs because Gloves was waiting if Goggles had the strength to get up from his seat, while he was waiting some Girls (fans) noticed him and approached him.

"Eek! You're Gloves right?" The girl asked.

Gloves notice and reacted quick, not letting his depressed friend bring him down from his spirit of flirting and being popular with girls.

"Thats right, Is there anything I could do for you ladies?" He looked at them and winked with a side smirk.

"C-Can we have a photo?" The fact that the girl was stuttering usually meant that the girl was being forced or dared to confront him, but that didn't bother him, after the photo Goggles tugged on his shirt, saying he wanted to leave already, the girls left and they made their way back to Gloves' house.

Time Skip

When they entered his home, Gloves dropped his keys on the table and Goggles collapsed on the couch, Gloves sat next to him. "So, whats another way to make money that seems easy to you?" Gloves nudged his arm. "I dont know, but im not getting a job y'know" Gloves chuckled and said, "well i never said you had to" they both let out a small chuckle before Goggles immediately stopped, being reminded of the thought of how it would feel if the only person he really cared for looked down on him, from a very high level, this was different, he really wanted Rider to acknowledge him and know that he wasn't some idiot who pantsed people. Though many people have looked down on him based on his rank, idiotic team and everything else, this was different he always felt that him and Rider would be on the same level, so he wasn't going to let a difference in level or rank keep him and Rider from being Apart.

It was now 4:34 pm (time goes fast when you have fun) and Fearful thoughts of Rider thinking he didn't care about him danced around in his head.

Finally he couldn't take it anymore and when they were watching TV he almost shouted

"UGHHHH...I cant Take it anymore! Everything reminds me of Rider !!"

The tv was playing a prize winning Channel, might've been Riders Favorite, in Goggles' home he'd hear it playing in the background, so it reminded him of it, but the channel showed the guy not winning and losing the prize with Basically told Goggles,

Youre A Loser

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