ButterCup Part 1

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11:15 am....

《Riders Birthday Dont forget!!!》Today

Goggles was woken up by the sound of snoring but muffled.

He tried to sleep it off but the noise grew louder. Like whatever was blocking the sound was moving out of the way. Goggles jolted his head up and saw that The door to Gloves' bedroom was creaking open.

"I didnt know he snores...." Goggles Said.

He got up and went to Gloves' room to wake him up.

"Wake up!"

It didn't work. Goggles was gently rocking him so he'd wake up but hes a deep sleeper. So Goggles started to shake the bed back and forth, but he wasn't noticing Gloves slip out of the bed.

He did slip out of the bed.

"Uwah! Im awake-!"

"That was a wierd sound, anyways we slept late right?"

"Damn it...what, time is it?" Gloves said getting up from the floor.

"Uhm, like 10, maybe?"

Gloves checked his phone that was charging on the night stand and looked pale. Like, so pale, Goggles noticed.

"Whats up?"

Slowly, Gloves turned his phone to face Goggles, his phone was off. "What?" Goggles started. "My phone hasn't been charging all night..." Gloves said.

He looked behind his night stand and saw that the head of the plug wasn't connected.

"Haha, oh well!" Goggles said and kept looking in Gloves direction. "...it didn't charge all night"

"Just take a portable charger!!" Goggles said that, anything to prevent the tears that he knew would come out of Gloves' eyes if he didn't find a solution. Then he patted his friends back and put the phone on the table, making sure it was charging.

"Okay buddy....let's go..." Goggles led his friend away from his room and sat him down onto a chair in the dinning room.

"Why'd we have to wake up so early?"

"Nah, you don't have to come, I just wanted to let you know that yesterday I won something, and I have to go see it, plus I've got a wad of cash!"

"Right, it must be in $10 bills.."

"No, 20! But also im gonna go now, are you gonna stay here?"

"Uhh nope, if I stay here ill get tired and sleep again, just let me get changed.." Gloves said, and walked into his bedroom.



It took a while, but Goggles got Gloves out of the house, and guided him to his house .

"How long is it gonna take?"

"Just a little further!"

"And....how long have we been walking?"

"About 5 minutes!"

"Ughh the sun it too hot, we could've gotten a ride"

"Yeah right. You left your wallet at you're house."


The two kept talking for a while, to pass the time, and soon the teampture went down making it more comfortable to walk outside. Its been another 5 minutes, Gloves was about to cramp up, and Goggles was still so happy, then they made it to his 2 story, blue house.

"This...is youre house?"

"Got a problem with it?" Goggles tilted his head.

"No its just cool"

Goggles checked the mailbox for anything. Nothing.

"Nothing there?"

"Ugh nope-"

Goggles was caught off by stomp in the back. "What was that?" Gloves said and tried peeking his head to see the backyard from the position his was in. "Uhh I'm not sure" Goggles said and went slowly to check the back, Gloves was behind him.

Slowly they peeked their heads to see, A big surprise.

"What the...!"

"Its...Awesome!" Goggles said and ran to it.

Goggles P.O.V

I ran to the fascinating creature, an elephant! This is awesome! I never knew they were giving these away! I was hugging it and tried to mount it, when I did, I was looking down from the elephant to Gloves, he was probably shocked at my bravery.

I laughed and started to pet it.


Gloves was shouting, but his phone vibrated so he took it out.

"Oh what do you know, theyre gonna go bust some day, people really don't like radios...."

"Yep! Also dont shout! My little prize could be startled by the volume on your voice!" I tried whisper shouting.

"So what are you gonna do with it now?"

"I dont know, I cant guide it through Inkopolis.....everyone would freak, and take it away from me."

"Maybe you should, uh actually, I dont know, what do you want to do with it"

Goggles thought for a while. "Well this prize is big, and its just as big as my respect for a certain someone..."

"You mean.... Rider?? No- I - he wouldn't do anything with that!"

"Well im on a shopping spree today for my friend"


"My new elephant! Now I can buy it food and water!"

"Oh" Gloves looked down, and put away his phone. "So, are....you gonna leave it here or put it under someone's supervision?"

"Oh, Can you watch it while I'm away Gloves?" Goggles said, he was gonna get back on the floor gently, so the elephant wouldn't get alarmed.

"Sure...Wait why me?"

"Because then everyone else would...call me out and take it away from me" Goggles said and walked up to Gloves.

"Uhm, fine, I guess I can watch it, since it's tied to something...."

"Thanks! I'll buy ya' something friend!"

"Sure...but be quick, its getting kinda late"

"Haha, okay, but it's like 2? Right?" Goggles said and walked away from Gloves waving his wad of money. Then his silhouette faded. Gloves looked up at the creature he was with.

"So.....I never thought, uhm, animals like you existed here"

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