Gentle Wakeup Call

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Youre A Loser

"Hmm? Even my house reminds you of Rider?" Gloves looked over to Goggles.

Goggles got up and walked over to Gloves' room.

"Youre bed is done the same way as his! Messy, and the scent of you body is still stained in the sheets and covers!"

"Hmmm?" Gloves tilted his head and finger under his chin to show he was confused.

"Everything. Reminds. Me. Of. Rider.!" Goggles spread his arms out to signify that what he said , really meant it.

"Ohhh Hmm, Okay" The green inkling stroked his tentacles back.

"I cant stay here it reminds me of Rider," Goggles sighed and lowered his arms.

"Well...would you rather stay in a place that would not only remind you of Rider but also make you aware Rider is right below you?"

"Ugh good point.....'what's the quickest way to make money?'" He repeated that while walking back and Forth.

" i dont know, Besides jobs, the lowest solution even for you would be Begging but that shit is underrated uhm for you...." Gloves lowered his head.

"Getting paid to do something, Gambling-" Goggles stopped for a moment

"Hey Gloves?" He looked at him.


"Whats a Casino?"

"Uhm...let me think, a public room or building where gambling games are played" Gloves had to pull out his phone for that.

"Whats Gambling?"

"Games of chance, where you bet money Why?"

"That sounds like quick way to make money!"The innocent Goggles spoke.

"I just said it's a game of chance, plus you wouldn't be able to do it, need to be 21+"

"Im 17." Goggles checked his phone.

Its Saturday, 7:56 pm

"Its getting a bit late," Goggles said.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't stay up." Gloves got up to stretch.

"Alright..what now?"

Time Skip

The two inklings decide to watch a series before going to bed when they checked the time, it was 9:00 and Gloves saw that Goggles was getting sleepy. So he placed a pillow on the arm of the couch and laid him down on the pillow, getting up to get him a blanket, lowering the volume of the TV and waited for half an hour to pass.

When it was 9:30 pm, he turned off the TV, and Got up from his position on the couch. He turned off the lights and made his way to the bed room, changing into his pajamas and setting an alarm for 9:00 am Sunday.

Then he fell asleep.

Sunday Morning

《Riders Birthday!!! Dont Forget!!》In 2 Days

A vibration (or ring tone) came from under Gloves' pillow. He woke up and yawned. He pulled out his hand that was already grabbing on to the phone, he slept like that the whole night, and he saw his alarm go off.


When he turned off his phone he fell back into his sleep.

Gloves' P.O.V

This is a Good Sunday...Not sure why it feels so different though...Everything's the same, calm morning, perfect amount of light showing through my window, Oh right...Goggles' sleeping over, I almost forgot. But he's not awake yet? Thats odd but, I guess he's a heavy sleeper, I should just leave him be, its not like I can force myself to get up from such a comfortable position. I wonder what-

I was Inturupted when a heard a loud noise from under my pillow, must've been a notification, I raised my arm and reached to my right where my phone rested. Pulled it towards me and put it up. I saw a text message from my Team.

Messages 1 Minute Ago

Sunday, 9:48 am (you can imagine any date)

Team Green/Gloves

Clip Ons: Everyone awake?

Half Rim : I am Now

Straps: Yeah I woke up early, Whats up?

What the hell are they doing up so early? I Flinched and put the brightness down, it hurt my eyes, I responded with:

(Me) whys everyone up so damn early?/

I rested the phone on my chest and rubbed my eyes, and picked up my phone.

Clip Ons: Because today we have practice! Important re match soon! Get that in your head Gloves!

(Me) : yeah ill get that in and out of my hea

(Me): wait Important re match? With who??

Too bad you can't delete messages, now they'll use that against me, I only stopped it half way through i was gonna say 'yeah ill get that in and out of my head, and shove it in yours, making sure it never gets out' sigh that's one phrase ill never get to say...anyways I was eager to ask who we were competing against.

Straps : Were Against Emperor,


Ohhhh of course! I had completely forgotten!!

(Me): enodhridnfienaklwkugh

Half Rim: you ok bro?

I guess they think I dropped my phone, but not on my face, again!
This sucked, I hadn't done much practice myself ive been distracted alot, but it wasnt my fault, ughhhhh their gonna hate me.

(Me): sorry, were against team Monarch, sun yellow, Emperors team right?

Clip Ons: thats correct

Straps: you seem a bit worried everything all right Gloves?

(Me): I'm not worried!!!! How can you even tell thru a screen?

Half Rim: ........uhm ok

Straps: im just trying to make sure my friend is ok

Clip Ons: uh anyways back to the topic, well be having a meet up at Moray Towers from 4:30 - 5:00pm though I'd prefer you wouldn't be late.

Clip Ons: Understood Team?

Half Rim: ill be able to be there at around 4:40 pm

Clip Ons: Good Straps Gloves?

Straps: I'll try to be there at exactly 4:30 pm

I thought for a moment and sighed

(Me): I'll be there some where in between the time periods you gave Clip Ons, if you don't see me there assume something is off and visit my house

See ya guys'

I sighed once again and placed my phone on the night stand reaching for the charger and turning off my phone,


Straps: That was a bit odd, first time he messaged with capital letters in appropriate places.

Clip Ons: I hope he's doing well, he might have alot to think about i dint think we should bother him until he says something.

Half Rim: Obviously, also its Dont Bye Guys.

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