Who ya' cheering for bud?

145 1 0

"Now that everyone's here, let's begin."


The two teams walked over to their spawns and Goggles followed Team Gloves, he didn't know what to do so he just followed them for orders on where to go.

"Goggles? "


"You said you were gonna be a supportive friend, how about you go up to the hotels balcony? " Gloves said and pointed up.

"Sure thing"

Goggles was cheering them on from the balcony, kind of like when he cheered Team Yellow Green when they were up against Team Cardigan. He was cheering but the signs didn't have something like, 'go team gloves! ' it's just read, "You Can Do It! " So it was confusing on who he was cheering.

3, 2, 1 Go!

Both teams were released from their spawns and made different paths making their way to take over the zone.

"I believe in you!" Goggles yelled, his arms were getting tired from raising signs.

"Who ya' cheering for bud~? "

"Hm? "

A voice came from next to Goggles, the inkling nudged his elbow, since their arms were on the rails from the balcony. Slowly turning his head to see the figure next to him, he saw an inkling wearing, Ink Guard goggles, and a Kensa coat with Violet Trainers.

"Uhm... Who are you?"

"I'm Ink Gaurd. Who the hell are you? "

"Goggles... " He responded, and turned his head back to face the match he was watching. Half rim was still alive, but being chased by Prince, Clip ons was splatted and so was e ging, he traded with Straps and Clip ons came from behind, getting her splatted.

Team Monarch: Team Gloves:

78 | 81

Goggles looked at the scores they had and sighed.

"Also, now that I'm seeing the scores, I think I'm cheering for Team Gloves"

"Team Gloves~? But they're weak! You must not know Team Monarchs reputation or skills"

"Actually I do, me and my team beat them, so I'm sure they've changed their strategies now"

"You seem pretty confident.... " The inkling thought for a while and scratched his chin.

"Well me and my team are here, how about a bet? If Team Monarch wins, I'll take something from you of my choice, if you win, and team Gloves wins, which is highly impossible, you can get anything you want from me"

"Anything?" Goggles said.

"Anything you want"

"Okay... So how do we start" Goggles felt and inch in his nose and he sneezed.

"Well, while we wait, wanna play a game with me and my team? "

"Sure, but as long as it doesn't affect our bet"

"Of course it won't"

Ink Gaurd took Goggles inside of the room, it was like a bar, how did Goggles not notice this when he entered? "Wow so many games! " In reality the games were like Roulette, arcade games stuff like that.

"I've never seen these games before... "

"Did you not see them on your way in?"

"No I just rushed to the balcony really plus this place is kinda far from the route I took"

"Good thing I changed to fire fin charger! I'm gonna rush them with bombs! "

"Got my special charged captain"

"Use it as soon as the charger releases the bombs, he won't notice it"

Uh no they're really not...

"I'm jumping to you Half Rim!"

"Remember to use your special if your being camped Clip Ons! You too Straps and blaze yourself in a trail of Curling bombs! I'm using tenta missles"!

"Roger! "


"I think I'll just stay to watch soccer"


Goggles looked out the balcony and saw the match outside.

71| Team Gloves Is in Control|79 +34 sec.

"I know they'll win!" Goggles said to himself. Ink Gaurd walked up to him and patted his back. "Still cheering for them?" He said. "I know they'll win, they've had plenty of practice" "I'm sure they did"

"We're in control! "

"Cool! Let's try to stay like that, one of them is down and we only got 20 second left! "

"We haven't had that many splats with our weapons though"

"But we did, they kept falling for out special gauges traps! "

"E Ging! Use your special. Prince, take out the charger, I'll take care of their roller, she's wide open"

"Yes Brother"

These battles are intense!! At least I'm not playing in them! Ohhh.... I wish I could at least communicate with them down there.. Their being aimed at all corners.

"You okay? You've been trailing off for like 5 minutes now.."

"Huh? Oh I'm fine" Goggles said.

The battle kept going on, Team Gloves got a score of 56 and team Monarch got a score of 59, they were fighting for who gets control of the zones. Overall, Team Monarch had the most splats. There was only 1 minute left, and Gloves' team was in the lead.

Goggles wasn't really around to watch the battle, he kept going to the bathroom, or he was on his phone.

Ink Gaurd and his team were just arguing in the background and It seemed they were confident that Team Gloves would lose. They kept trying to make Goggles give up, in their eyes, Gloves and his team were weak, though he was know for his looks, that's not what really mattered, But in reality they weren't fighting with a game plan, just doing everything impulsively.

10 Seconds Left!

Ink Gaurd and Goggles rushed over to the balcony to see what was going on.

Team Gloves was still in the lead, and Team Monarch Was 1 point away from passing Gloves score. Team Monarch was in control and trying to take the lead, they still had to surpass 30 seconds, which meant that the timer would go into overtime.

The entire time Goggles had his fingers crossed watching. Hoping for the best. Ink Gaurd just stood there watching every move Team Monarch took.

So it was down to Gloves and his teammates to take back the zone, or for Team Monarch to take the lead.

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