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This is so easy

Goggles said to himself. 

Gloves dropped off his friends at their houses, and he walked himself to his own house house. He started checking his phone from time to time. Getting bored. He made it home and it seemed empty.

Everything was normal, still looked close to neat.

Maybe it was the joy that filled the room as soon as it took a step inside. Goggles? Maybe, but Gloves didn't really pay attention to it.


"Okay! Good thing I made the bet!"

"Right... Someone like you doesn't need all this money anyways."

"Are you forfeiting? "

"No I'm tired, I'm letting my team mates take care of you"

"Wait take care of him or take care or him?"

"Take care of him"

"Uh okay"

"Haha! I can take each if you with 1 hand! "

"I'd like to see you try"


"I Win!!"

"Okay okay... You have a good eye to keep on the ball, I never back down from what I owe someone, here"

Ink Guard gave him his prize, Goggles glanced at his money, and back up, ugh they were gone. Now that he has his money, there was only one problem left, what would he buy?

Goggles P. O. V

Final I can say I'm wealthy some. Riders bthday is in a few good hours. Which direction was Gloves house in....? I might get lost if I walk blindly. Maybe I'll use a GPS!


It seemed like forever of walking, but at least I made it to a cozy house! Gloves'!

I knocked on the door waiting for a response. Nothing,If someone doesn't answer the door the first time you knock, it means they didn't hear, so instead if knocking, I started banging in the door.

Gloves P. O. V

I was awoken by the sound of banging near the door, I peeked the the crack on my window and saw it was Goggles. It's 10:43 pm, I would've assumed he'd stay at New Albacore Hotel for the night.

I slowly made my way to the door, I was still half asleep, then opened the door with the speed of a turtle.

I greeted him and said "where were you? "

"Making Banks of Money!! " He said I was confused, now way someone can make so much money within an hour, I think.

"Who would want to pay youu? " I said and sat down on the couch.

"I won a small game!"

"I told you not to bet! "

"You can only lose what you have! Which is why I had everything to lose... But I won and my prize is $1200!! Uh in a check"

"Woah no way! Let me see! "

He reached in his pocket the check he showed me was a little bent, so I snatched it away and put it under a book so it could straighten out.

"Hey-! "

"A bank won't accept this if it's bent, it needs to be perfectly straight."

"Oh thanks I guess"

"What are you gonna do with all that money"

"I'm gonna use it to buy Rider a gift, he's the most important person to me! "

I was shocked, he has so much money! And he's gonna waste it on stupid love! Even I'm not that dumb.

"What? Why?! " I shouted.

"Because his birthday is tomorrow! And he'll look down on me if I don't care about him, he's my last hope I have that I can grow and be on his level! "

"Damn it... Fine but maybe you should spare some money for yourself.. "

"Good idea!-"

Suddenly he was caught off when I heard something that sounded like radio static.

I turned to the direction of the sound then I peeked my head to the corner of the couch, it was my radio I had when I was younger, how boring.

"Oh cool you still have a radio"Goggles said.

"Yeah whatever you can have it it's old" I threw it in his direction and he caught it, I can't believe people still use those, he used his hand to take out the dust, then a voice came out from it.

A quiz? How typical, I mean, I knew a few people who use radios, but I thought that the radio station went bankrupt. I researched all this on my phone, they're doing pretty good, when I looked up I saw Goggles answering questions from the "man in the radio" Might be a robot but I don't think it was.
He got to pick the topic so I pretended that one wasn't listening to his conversation, then I heard him answer a question that was worth a reward.

-Which actor is the only one who's appeared in every single star Wars movie to date?

"I know this one "

Wait he chose Star Wars? Lame, but I don't think Goggles knows he's playing for a reward, I continued to listen.

"Anthony Daniels"


I was about to die of laughter, even I knew that one. I wasn't paying attention to anything Goggles was saying, I was holding in my laughter, but he soon hung up.

"You're a funny guy!!"I couldn't contain my laughter anymore and it burst out.

"Sure sure, anyways I won, I chose something that was my strong suit, then I gave them my phone number and adress! "

I stopped laughing.

"You better not have given them my adress! "

"No I didn't! "


"Can we got to sleep? I'm tired.... "

"Sure... "

I turned off the TV, then turned off some of the lights, Goggles slept on the couch and me on my own bed. Slowly we fell asleep.

"Good Night!"

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