Team Practice Part 3

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"Hey, Where's Goggles?"


After a while of looking, (it's only been 3 minutes at least,) the couldn't find Goggles.

They all met back up to the entrance of Moray Towers.

"Any sign of Goggles?"


They stayed waiting in the entrance of Moray Towers, when they were approached by a blue figure. "Hehe sorry! I wanted to enter Moray Towers but I fell off the Map!"
"You had us worried!" Straps said, she almost jumped from her seat.

"Almost" Half Rim Said and Pushed his glasses back into place.

"Sorry, anyways, who win the battle?" Goggles said.

"Well..The boys won the Splats Battle, but we won the Turf Battle." Clip Ons said.

"Ah okay!" Goggles nodded and swung his arms back and forth.


After they found Goggles they offered him is he wanted to go and Play a match with them, so this would count as his practice and he wouldn't get in trouble with his team.

After the many battles, they received a message from Team Monarch.

N Pacer:
Hello Team Gloves,
Our Captain has rescheduled our appointment-battle to an earlier day, due to more events coming up in the future, the battle will be held at Starfish Mainstage, on Monday, 2:00. Please message us back as soon as you can if you have and complaints for the rescheduled battle.

Thank you,
                   Sincerely, Team Monarch.

They saw and thought for a while. The original battle was scheduled For Wednesday, 4:00, well at least they didn't have to worry the Rest of the week.

"Our Battle was moved?"

"Scary! At least I'm not in youre team!"

"Whats scarier then facing Team Monarch?" Gloves look to Goggles.

"Ahhhh....Let me think.......Putting on a wet bathing suit?"

"And thats scary because?"

"Just be glad we practiced right before the battle." Clip Ons Said , she took out her phone and checked the time.

6:54 pm

Straps looked over to her. "Its getting late, we should go, well see each other tommorow though right?" She put a distance between her the boys.

"Yeah" Half Rim and Gloves said.

"Okay see you soon!" The girls waved and walked away to their home.

"Arent you going to leave too, Half Rim?" Gogglss looked over to where Half Rim was.

"Not yet, I was going to do some target practice with other chargers."

"Oh okay, Bye then!" Gloves took Goggles' arm and Dragged him back to his house.


After a while of talking an walking, they made it to their home. Goggles was wondering if Gloves would let him enter his home and stay their for the night, but since he didn't mention it, Goggles though it wasn't important to mention either, if he didn't say anything, it meant he wasn't bother by his presence.

They entered and took off the heavy loads they had on them. Goggles went to use the bathroom while Gloves collapsed on the couch turning on the TV. When the blue inkling came out of the bathroom he joined his friend on the couch and took off his coat, hanging it on the back of a chair.

"Any ideas on what to watch?"

"No... just put whatever you want, im sure it will satisfy my desires..."

"Um, Ok."

Just putting on a random movie made Goggles sigh deeply, but Gloves didn't want to pay attention to him.


After a while, the first movie was over and they were in the middle of finishing a second movie that played because they didn't bother trying to reach the remote.

Gloves looked over to Goggles, he wasn't asleep, he was in his phone.

10:36 pm

"Gloves, im gonna go to bed, im tired" Goggles got up and stretched before making his way to,

"Ah! Goggles! This is my house, youre going to...!" The door to his bedroom shut.

".....My bedroom... sigh what ever, I guess I can sleep on the couch"

Gloves turned off the TV and layed on a pillow. He took out his phone and played on it until he got tired.

Slowly he fell asleep.


This chapter was short because I felt like I needed to make a separate chapter for the next day.

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