Team Practice Part 2

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No Ones P.O.V

Gloves looked up and saw Clip Ons Rush over to them with their drinks in her hands.

She came and placed them on the table, the time was, 4:44 pm, Half Rim was already on his way to the meet up at the entrance aof Moray Towers.
"Hey, wasn't Half Rim supposed to be here by 4:40?"

"Well not everyone shows up on the exact time, let's give him until 4:50"

"But he's right over there," Goggles spoke up and pointed to his left, where they saw Half Rim catch up in the distance.

"Hello Forgive me, I'm Late team"

"Obviously" Gloves muttered.

"Alright, well now that everyone's here, let's go inside" Clip Ons stuffed the drink she got for herself in her bag.

The Green team and Goggles went inside Moray Towers.

Goggles was invited to watch them play or practice, it was a 2 v 2. Clip Ons and Straps against Half Rim and Goggles, it was a splats battle, which meant the team/inkling with the most splats would win the battle it wouldn't matter if you inked the whole stage. They waited in their spawn for the count down.
3, 2, 1, Go!
Gloves and Half Rims took off, kind if like Kaiser Arrow, (Im not sure what you'd call this in the manga) Half Rim charged and made a path for Gloves to quickly and swiftly swim through.
Straps vertically swung her roller. Re charged her ink,and threw a curling bomb for both girls to swim in.
The two teams, (also the girls' team was the color pink) made their way to the central area of Moray Towers, besides from Half Rim, his weapon was a back liner, which meant he had to stay in high places, or far from enemies and support his teammates from behind.

Straps' Curling bomb was landing in the center, she dove in squid for and landed in her ink. She searched the map from her perspective for Gloves or Half Rim. She saw Gloves make his way from her left, (it's near the big wall you climb to enter enemy base) she quickly released another curling bomb and slowly swam in it so she wouldn't be detected by Anyone near her.

She was in a corner near Green ink. Gloves dodge rolled into the other side of the wall and attacked to see if anyone was there, Straps was of course. She swung her roller twice, but only one of her attacks hit Gloves, she was sent back to the spawn.

Gloves was still hurt by the attack, but got caught and stuck in enemy ink.

75% Damage

Clip Ons threw her splat bombs twice, hitting Gloves he was too slow and weak to dodge them, and it sent him back to the spawn.

"Ahhh, Sorry Rim!" Gloves said as his life was being dragged to the spawn, in a second Straps would be revived.

"Its fine, I'll try to scope her out"

"Wait, which one-?!" Gloves said, his voice getting further until it reach the spawn.


By this time, Everyone was alive, playing it safe, and staying away from enemy ink.

Gloves had 2 splats

Half Rim had 2 splats as well, one was Assisted by Gloves, him and his Splat bombs.

Straps had 3 splats

Clip Ons had 1 splat, her attacks were mostly finished off by her teammate as she would get wiped evertume she got too close, luckily, Straps was always behind her.

Behind Her.

(team work, or kill stealer?)

1:00 Left!

Every Inkling on the battlefield densed up when they heard that.

Goggles was tired of being, 'the supportive one',so he'd get up from time to time to get a snack or drink.

No more playing it safe, everyone used their special weapons they had been saving. Kind of like the special move Team yellow green used against Team Monarch, except not doubled , Half Rim was on the second platform of the towers and activated Sting Ray.

Gloves used Tenta Missiles.

From a high view, Half Rim could track all of the girls' moves.

"Ack!" Straps was a roller so she couldn't make much of a quick escape, if she had used Splashdown, it would've been canceled. Half Rim's Sting ray dealt 85% of Damage on her.

She made a swift escape, and before she could look, Tenta Missles came falling and hitting the ground exploding infront of her, finishing her off, and back to the spawn.

Clip Ons was dodging all the Sting Rays Moves, it only dealt 10% of damage.

That was when Sting Ray Wore off and Half Rim made it back down to where Gloves spectated everything that happened in his ink.

When his Tenta Missles landed near Clip Ons, (a little late) it gave her 18%of Damage, she slowly healed.

"Heh, I've Got this." Gloves said and made his way to where Clip Ons Landed in her ink after dodging the attacks.

"Aha!" He came out of his position in the ink and peeked his head over, and then fully.


Clip Ons had splashdown ready and waiting and when Gloves showed his full Body through the corner, she used her special Gauge.

"Oh-" Gloves was cut off and splatted.

10 Seconds Left

Clip Ons Chuckled and near her right, a line of ink came rushing to the ground, missing her by just a few inches.

Straps was already revived making her way down and saw her friend get splatted from afar.

"Time is almost up..." Half Rim said to himself.

5 Seconds Left!

Gloves was revived and on his way down to help his friend.

"Woah" Half Rims first attack was dodged by Clip Ons.

He charged and fired at her head when she climbed a wall to attack him, didnt work, she was sent back to the spawn.

At this point it was a 2 v 1, one girl versus two boys.

They Attacked and their attacks missing by inches until the timer went off.


Team Pink Wins!

Of course, after everything them met at the entrance again, and greeted each other.

"Well technically we won the splats battle, you gals sure know where to ink though" Gloves said this and got a flash back to when he was stuck in enemy ink.

"Yep That was fair though" Straps said.

"Hey where's Goggles?"

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