ButterCup Part 2

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"So I never thought, uhm, animals like you existed here..."


Goggles left Gloves alone with, his reward and started to walk around Inkopolis.

"Hmm, which place could have food for my elephant~?" Goggles said to himself.

"I dont think, Crusty Sean's Shop will have good food for it, maybe, Ah! Gloves House! His pantry is full of cool foods!"  So, Goggles made his way to Gloves house, it took him a while, and Gloves was begging to re consider if he should go out to look for him, he was taking a bit too long, also he was getting bored.

"Ugh, Goggles could be the slowest person on earth!" Gloves said and looked at the elephant, who he was trying to communicate with, but he was really just talking to himself.

"....Yo, im gonna look for Goggles, uh, stay here, ill be right back" he said to the elephant, and quickly ran away.

"Goggles! GOGGLES!" Gloves yelled, he looked like a fool, just saying that on the streets, expecting an answer.

That was when he started to walk down a familiar route, and found himself home.

"Oh, well i guess I can change this shirt im wearing now that im here, I've been waring this shirt for like, last Saturday, heh" he said to himself.

He entered and saw Goggles eating the left over ice cream.

"Not Again! Goggles!"

"Hm? Hi Gloves!"

"Which is more important? Your Stomach or the bigger stomach of a hungry, uh elephant? I cant believe i said that..."

"Oh-! I forgot!"

"Your memory sucks man...."

Goggles went around a corner, and Gloves started to follow. He saw Goggles struggling to pick up a big bag, sack.

"Here, let me hel-"

"No! I got it!" Goggles said, he took a deep breath and burst out his muscles.

"Oh I forgot you had that ability..."

"Uwah! Open the door!"

"Oh ok"

Gloves opened the door, and they both ran out the door, he made sure to lock it this time, then they quickly made their way to Goggles house.


They made it and Goggles dropped the sack down, deflating his muscles.

"So what's in that sack anyways?" Gloves asked.

"Pant pant, its full of peanuts!" Goggles said.

"Oh try feeding them to it." Gloves said.

Goggles took out 7 peanuts in his hand and walked up to the elephant.

"Heres your dinner for today friend!" He said and held up the peanut for the elephant to suck up with his trunk.

"Haha he likes it-!" Gloves said and noticed something else black in the bag.

"Hey whats this?" He asked and held up the black inky rider jacket.

"Oh thats-"

"Riders jacket....I dont remember having this in my house"

"I borrowed it but forgot to give it back..."


"Anyways, wanna feed my friend?"

"Uh sure!" Gloves said approaching the elephant. "Have you decided on a name? You can't really call him friend forever" he asked Goggles.

"Uhm, no I haven't decided on a name.."

"Make one up,"

"Thats too much work!!"

"Cmon! Its easy! Like 'Horns' is an example! Because its tusks.."

"Well im pretty much only hungry....so how about....ButterCup?"


"You said to make it up, im not calling it Stampy, that calling him heavy....mean"

"Haha, okay."

"Butter Cup....I love the name for such a beautiful wonder of the wild."

The two inklings kept talking for a while, until Goggles got a message from his friend, Glasses.

Glasses: Hey, What are you doing

Goggles: nothing important

Glasses: yeah well, what are you gonna do for Riders birthday, he says he's spending it alone

Goggles looked away from his phone and looked at Butter Cup. He was sure he made the right decision.

Goggles: hey could you tell him to come over to my house? I have a surprise i can't carry over to him.

Glasses: you know thats gonna take alot of begging, why don't you do it?

Goggles: because I cant be bothered.

Glasses: ill tell him he has your jacket and that your busy then

Goggles: thanks.

"Who was it?" Gloves asked.

"Riders coming over for his best surprise, what should I do?"

"Theres nothing much you can do, just wait."

"Haha okay"

Glasses did what he promised his friend, and told Rider, After 10 minutes or so, they heard the door bell ring, from the open window.

"That might be him" Goggles said, and ran to the door, he opened it and saw his three friends at the door, he smiled, so much time has passed since he's seen then, thats not through a screen.



Goggles gave them all a big hug and invited them in.

"When was the last time you cleaned?" Headphones asked.

"Let me think, I haven't been here for a while, leaving this house vacant for 2 weeks or so,"

"2 WEEKS?!"


"WHATS THE MATTER WITH YOU?! YOURE SO DIRTY!" All of them said in sync, besides Bobbles hat who was too busy looking around Goggles house.

"Yeah well, unless you guys want to help, come outside."


Goggles guided his friends outside and the first thing they saw was a big grey creature with tusks.


"What the heck is that thing?!"

"Riders present for his birthday..." Goggles said with a smile on his face, and letted the gentle creature, still eating his peanuts.

"This is a great gift! Riders coming in like, 5 minutes" Bobbles said.

"Thank you"

The others were left speechless, and tried to brush off the feeling of yelling at their freind for his stupidity.


"Finnaly! That jerk has had my Jacket for decades now! Im so tired of walking around with a red shirt on, the first thing that idiots gonna get from me when I visit him is a splat bomb!"

"Do you think Riders coming soon? I'm bored "

"....dont worry, im sure he'll come soon."

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