Meet Up

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The Time is 10:46 am, the two boys have just explored all of Inkopolis, they stopped to grab lunch by Crusty Sean's Food Truck.
Its still morning so they just got something small and a drink.

They talked for a while and were on their phones.

《Riders Birthday!!! Dont Forget!!!》 Tommorow


They finished their drinks and Gloves checked the time.

11:21 am

He tucked his phone back into his pocket and threw away his garbage, thanking Sean.

"Cmon Goggles let's go"

"Ok but im taking my drink, I haven't finished"

"Alright let's just go already...its really hot outside"


It didn't tale too long for them to go home, but by the time they arrived it was, 11:30 am.
2 hours and a half before the scheduled re match.

They rested under shade before going in and sitting down resting, it seemed like they were in this situation everyday. Going outside, getting tired of it, then coming back inside to boredom.

That was when they started killing time by talking about life. Then they were playing games, and such, napping from time to time.

Fast Forward 1 hour

"Hey Gloves can I get another soda?"

"No! I'm saving them!"

"Fine....can you go out to buy me one at a corner store or something then?"


1:03 pm

"Oh crap"


"Its 1:03 pm, is Starfish Mainstage far from here?"

"Not too far, maybe....10-15 minutes?"

" 1:10 we should get going, I doubt people like team Monarch will accept Tardiness."

"Okay! I'll be your Number 1 Fan!"

"Sure..just make sure to be ready, time goes fast when your having fun"

"Youre right! It's 1:06! Haha!"

"Lets just get going"


The two inklings started walking down streets and talking, in truth, it took 17 minutes from Gloves' house to the arena, Starfish Mainstage, but they didn't know.

9 minutes flew by as they continued walking, Gloves was getting impatient, and Goggles was starting to cramp up.

"When will we arrive?"

"I. Dont. Know."


They were close, then they arrived.

1:23 pm

"Dummy we're.....pant....too early!" Goggles put his hands on his knees and bent trying to catch his breath.

"Better then being late..."

"Oh? You guys came as well?"

A voice came from behind them.

"Hey Rim!" Goggles waved his hand.


"I would've thought Clip ons or Straps would be the ones to come early.." Glves glanced up and looked around.

"You didnt check our group chat?"


Today, Monday 7:57 am

Team Green/Gloves

Clip Ons: Hi guys! im going to be there to meet up with everyone at 1:30!

Straps: can't wait!

Half Rim: but i can wait.

"Oh I forgot I muted our chat.."

"Wise Choice...Those girls wake up too early making those notifications scream in your face...."

"Sooo.....should we wait for them?" Goggles Said and looked at both of them.

"Yeah we can wait for them..its about to be 1:30 anyways."

All of them waited until Straps showed up and they talked for a while, Clip Ons Must have been running a little late cause she wasn't showing up and it was 1:40.

"Im getting, a bit worried, its not like Clip Ons to be late."

"No there she is"

Pointing his finger, Gloves pointed out Clip ons who was constantly Apologizing for being late once she met up with them.

"Aah-Im So sorry!"

" its fine "

It was about to be 2:00, 1:43, so they decided to enter the arena, Starfish Mainstage and Wait there, but when they got there, they realized the mode was Splat Zones, and someone else was having a tournament there, which made them all confused.

N Pacer:

Please excuse the late reply, but our leader has decided that the new map we will be having our match is in New Albacore Hotel.

"Now they tell us"

"Lets just....go"

They made their way and waiter there, Team Monarch stood proud.


*Knock Knock*


"Hey, Have you seen Goggles?"

"No he's been out of the house for a while..sorry. Why do you want to know though?"

"Haven't spoken to him in a while plus he also stole my jacket, and never gave it back."

"Thats typical, but like I said i haven't seen him in a while, Sorry, maybe try asking my team, they've been on a break trying to collect themselves"

"Alright thanks anyways"


Team Monarch Stood up high not letting their chins fall.

"Welcome" N Pacer greeted them.

"Haha, sorry for change of plans, our leader thought that New Albacore Hotel would be a harder map, also the mode is Splat Zones!"

"Oh...whats Goggles Doing here?" The youngest Monarch looked over to the Blue Inkling who was hidden behind Team Gloves.

"Im the supportive friend!"

Someone came from behind Team Monarch and Started.

"Now that everyone's here, let's begin."

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