Staying Active

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Monday Morning

Gloves and Goggles were asleep, the morning was quiet, but comfortable, a nice warm breeze flew across the room.

Gloves felt something uncomfortable Stinging his back. Felt like a pin. He got up quickly and reached for whatever was behind him.

It was Goggles' Goggles, he was laying on.
He sighed and threw it on the floor.
"Right he slept in my bedroom; I wonder if he's still asleep."

He scratched the back of his neck and looked around.

The couch he was sleeping on all night had a mark from where his body was, it smelt, no felt warm, which was odd, the whole day yesterday was a bit cold, but that didn't bother much. Gloves' back was sore, he was sleeping in an uncomfortable position all night, he hadnt realized yet.

He sat up and stretched, yawned, and slowly got up.

He made his way to his bedroom, he knew Goggles was sleeping there so he knocked gently on the door.

"You in there? Are you awake?" He asked and put his ear against the door.

He didn't get a response so he slowly opened the door and saw Goggles about to fall off the bed. He was still unconscious so Gloves came beside Goggles and pushed him back in the bed. Goggles woke up when he was fully on the bed.


"Oh Morning and Sorry for waking you"

"...its fine" Goggles said and rubbed his eyes.

Gloves got up and left Goggoes alone on his bed. He went back to the living room and got his phone.

7:59 am

Its Almost 8 am...he thought he checked his messages one last time.

".......Starfish Mainstage,on Monday at 2:00 "

Ive only got like 6 hours left to practice before battle...he sighed and went back to his bedroom.

"Hey Goggs"


"We've still got time until my big re match."

"Oh right I almost forgot"

"Yeah its at 2 pm"

"Youve still got time!"

"Yeah, I know"

"Yawn can we sleep until 10? I'm still tired!"

"You can but im gonna stay up, im not gonna over sleep anymore."


Gloves went back to the living room and layed back down, he turned on the TV and watched whatever was on.

After a while he got bored of watching TV and turned on his PS4 he checked the time and it was 8:51 am so he decided to play until 9:30 am.

Goggles got bored he couldn't sleep anymore, so he left the bedroom but Gloves didn't notice he was next to him watching him play.

Gloves was wearing his headphones (or squidfin things he wears) so he didn't hear his alarm for 9:30 go off.

Goggles saw he was sitting in his phone, some of the end of the phone was showing, and Gloves Looked to focused on his game.
Goggles quickly snatched the phone from Gloves and turned off the Alarm.


Its 9:57 am, Gloves went to the bathroom and left Goggles playing.

Nine of them were checking the time, but when Goggles did he got that taunting reminder.

《Riders Birthday!!! Dont forget!!》Tommorow

He decided not to focus on that, and when Gloves came back he showed him the time.

"Its about to be 10!"

"Ah! We havent eaten anything for breakfast!.....but im not hungry"

"....neither am i"

They stared at each other for a while, until the 'Game Over' sound played on the screen.

"Ack! Damn It!" Gloves snapped back to reality and saw that he lost.

"Ha Ha!" Goggles laughed at him as he tried to re gain his lost score but kept losing instead.

"Ughh! Thanks Alot!"

"Your welcome"

"Now im gonna have to start over...."

"Just play Run Toad! Its super easy!"

"That removes the purpose in having a game challenge you to your limit..." Gloves lowered his head.

"Yeah whatever anyways like I said its....10:09"

"And you're not hungry?"

"Not really.."

"Well, Im bored, do you want to go anywhere?"

", but maybe you should rest up for your battle later today"

"Yeah youre right..but I get the feeling that if I rest too much I'll be too lazy to fight and it'll cost us the match, we've been planning this for a long time and I cant just throw it away, like its nothing"

"Good point, well maybe you should just stay..whats the word...Active!"

"Alright, well what should I do to stay active?"

"Get out and move around."

"Fine but youre coming with me"


They soon left the house and explored Inkopolis, even though they know almost every corner of it, they didn't want to stay locked inside a house.

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