Team Practice Part 1

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Gloves P.O.V

I turned off my phone and put it to charge, I sighed and slowly got up from bed. The first thing I did was change from my pajamas, and put my regular clothing on. I sighed deeply and made my way to the living room.

The blanket was on the floor and the pillow was on the other side from where I put it for Goggles.

From my kitchen I heard something I couldn't make out, but i heard a small scream so I slowly made my way to the living room, if I went too fast I'd make too much noise and it would've scared away whatever that was there.

I slowly peaked my head through the door way.

It was Blue.

Goggles wasnt asleep.

He wasn't on the couch.

And this thing gained some weight that could easily be lost.

I moaned in disbelief.

"Ughhhh Goggles that you bud?" I tried not to alarm him, not sure why.

"Mmhmm! Say, when we leave we should buy more ice cream!"

I looked over at what was on the table and what he was holding. My vanilla ice cream, it was gone, he was in the middle of eating my chocolate ice cream with the biggest scoop I've ever seen. Where could he have gotten it?

"Uhmmm.."I started, on one hand i didnt want him to be devouring all my ice cream, that was saved for, a certain someones birthday, at least I have an excuse not to go anymore.

On my other hand

I wanted to kill him.

That ice cream was expensive, it was the only one I could've gotten before they were out of season,I think. Not sure, the vanilla was Straps' ice cream, she just stored it in my freezer because she told me she was afraid that someone would eat it.

"Why the hell. Are you having... ice cream for breakfast?" I walked over to him and snatched the ice cream tub away from him, I put it back in the freezer and threw away the empty ice cream tub that was on the floor.

"I dont know....I got up and I was hungry so I just helped myself to anything that was in your freezer" he grinned.

"Dumbass I told you I could cook!"

"sowwy" I heard him mutter, I wasn't gonna let that voice and look fool me anymore.

"Whatever just go pit your jacket on, were heading out."


He Jolted up from his seat and went to get his jacket.

When he was ready, I quickly brushed my teeth and opened the door for him. We went walking.

"So where are we goin?"

"Moray Towers, I've got practice there with my team,"

"Oh okay"

"What about your team?"

"Oh blue team, their busy, Specs/Glasses has been working on strategies for our next important battle, Headphones is taking a break, she said she's too over worked, and Bobble, hmmmm I haven't heard from her in a while, I think she might be just chilling at our team base or her own house."

"When the hell is your next battle?" I just asked out of curiosity not that I was worried about that..

"Hmm, I think we're having a re match against a team, I'm sure it was...Team Cyan??"

"Hah," i chuckled, "you better be careful, I heard their no longer relying on sub weapons anymore."


Time Skip (Still Gloves' P.O.V)

We stopped talking after I realized that we made it to our destination.

There was the entrance, and a table where only Clip Ons Sat at, Straps wasnt there yet not Half Rim.

I approached her and Goggles was the first one to great her.

"Hi Clip Ons!" He smiled and waved.

Clip ons heard such a nice and calm voice she looked over and her eyes glued onto the blue inkling - Goggles. She hadn't noticed me.

"Oh hi Goggles!"

I saw her pupils glance over to me.

"And Gloves"

"Yo" I waved my hands and greeted her with a simple 'yo' thats it.

There were four chair where Clips Ons Sat so, me and Goggles sat down with her. "No one here yet?" I asked her and pulled my seat in. "I thought you were in our chat" she said. I pulled out my phone and started to watch anything that was hot on YouTube, then she started. "Ugh, Straps said she'd try to be here at 4:30 pm," she stopped when she gazed up and waved to someone. It was Straps.

"Hi Clip Ons! Gloves! Goggles?" She was a but confused to I had to explain to her.

"Sorry I hope it was okay if I brought Goggles along with us, he slept over and he insisted on coming"

"But you forc-" I shut his mouth before I could get distracted by what he was gonna say.

"Oh okay thats no problem! I guess we should wait until Half Rim comes." She sat down on a chair at our table.

Clip Ons got up and said "ill go get us some drinks! Anyone want anything?"

"Roasted Green Tea!"

"Sprite please"

"Nothing For Me"I said and watched as she grabbed her purse and made her way to a vending machine.

I looked down at my phone and Goggles took out his. Something popped up on his screen.

Riders Birthday in 2 days!!! Dont Forget!!!》 In 2 Days

He sighed heavily and put it back in his pocket, I glanced up and Clip Ons was coming back with our Drinks.

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