Peanuts For Life

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"This thing is freaky Goggles! Why do you want to hand down a burden to someone else in stead of getting rid of it?" Headphones said.

"I dunno, I just want to give this gift of beauty to someone else who deserves him more" Goggles said as he stared into the elephants eyes.

"Youre wierd, but you know that Riders gonna kill you when he sees what you got him" Glasses said.

"I dont care, he'll surely thank me though, plus I always have time to reconsider, remember we can see his location on SnapChat!"Goggles said.

"Right" Gloves said and took out his phone, it seemed that, that was what they were doing to kill time.


Rider finally came over to Goggles house. He kept ringing the doorbell, but soon got bored and came in through the back. What he saw drained the color from his face, of course we already know that is is though.  Just Goggles feeding the elephant the last of the peanuts, while riding him. Headphones was the first one to notice the fact that Rider was there, pale.

"Hey hes here!" She said to everyone.

"Aw! You spoiled the surprise for yourself! Rider pretend like you saw nothing!" Goggles said trying to de mountains the elephant. Goggles ended up falling and running his way toward Rider.


Before Goggles had the chance to say anything, Rider took out his weapon quickly, and started to roll Goggles flat, while everyone was watching.


"What the hell were you thinking?! Why is this thing in your back yard!?! Also I want my jacket back..!" Rider kept squishing him with his roller until he heard him say, 'Fine!'.

Goggles ended up slipping his way out of the mess he was in, and panting as he fixed his clothing.

"This thing is for you! *Pant* Happy Birthday!!" Goggles said smiling ear to ear.

"What the hell do you expect me to do with that?!" Rider said and looked at the scenery, it was getting late, and it was drizzling out side.

"Well, he's a good life partner, and he can help you get through alot of suff youre dealing with!"

"By stepping on it?" Gloves said in the back but he didn't hear.

"Look, I appreciate the thought of you trying to make my birthday the most memorable one I've had, and it worked, this is, something I'm not able to put into words, but its burnt into the back of my head. I just need to you understand that I cant really accept this thing in my home, its dangerous, and dangerous animals need to be taken somewhere where they'll have everything they need, I know that this animal won't like eating peanuts and pickled plums for the rest if it's life." Rider said, everyone around him saw as his heart slowly turned soft and no longer hard as a stone.

"B-But what am I supposed to do with my friend then?!" Goggles voice was cracking, and his eyes would soon drop pearls of tears if he heard that he couldn't keep his friend, at this point his mind clouded with negative thoughts.

Glasses walked behind Goggles and patted his back, "the only option, we need to return it, its not fit for places like...this"

"Where did you get this elephant Goggles?" Bobble hat said.

"I won it from a crappy radio thing" Goggles said.

"Well maybe we should call the dumb company" Gloves mentioned, and went inside the house for water.


"That won't be necessary"

"Who the hell was that?" Rider questioned.

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