Chapter 16

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They finale sent Scott home with some medicine to take and told him to get some rest. So his parents and mine stayed a little bit longer. It had to be about 7 am when Jesselin started crying Scott went to get up to get her but Mitch stopped him and told him to go back to sleep because he needed his rest. But when Mitch went to get her Scott's dad had her and taking to feed her.

" Hey Mitch, Go back to bed I got her and my wife is going to Starbucks to get coffee and your moms going to cook breakfast we'll wake you and Scott up when its done if your not up." Rick said

" Ok, Thanks dad." Mitch said and went back to bed to cuddle with Scott. Mitch calls Scott's parents mom and dad and Scott calls Mitch's parent mom and mom.

Mitch went back into the room and found Wyatt curled next to Scott so Mitch got next to Wyatt. It was about 10 am when Scott's mom came to wake us up. Our door was open so she stuck her head in.

" Time to get up honeys breakfast is done." Connie

Scott slowly opened his eyes and jump up out of bed when he smelled bacon and i was right behind him. I was so hungry and mommy needed coffee. Our little girls were playing on their play mat when we went out to eat. Scott and I went over to say good morning and to give them kisses before eating. When we were done eating Scott's and mine parents went out for a little while. Scott took his meds then sat on the floor to play with Jessie and Jesselin and I took a quick shower.

" Hey babe, Do you feel like filming for superfurit while it is quite?" Scott asked when Mitch got out of the shower

" Sure babe, Are our princesses sleeping?' Mitch asked him

" Yes, they are my queen." Scott answered

" OK, Lets do this then my king," Mitch said

" Hello welcome to the best show on the Internet. My name is Fred." Scott said

" And my name is Roxie." Mitch said pending to shot Scott. "You son of a bitch."

" Will we are going to do 50 Terrible Celebrity Impressions. And I feel like Mitch is way better at this than me." Scott said in to the camera

" You are not wrong." Mitch said

" WOW." Scott

They were done and watching Sponge Bob when their parents came home with lunch. Scott and Mitch ate and talked with their parents before Jessie and Jesselin woke up wanting to be fed. Scott went to go get them and Mitch went to go make bottles for them.

" You guys sit down we'll feed them." Connie said

" No mom we got this plus yall will be leaven soon so we have it do it at some point." Scott said

" When are you yall leaving? Not that we want yall to." Mitch said

" This afternoon but you know if we could stay we would." Connie said

" Oh, I know." Mitch said

Later that day Scott's and Mitch's parents left and Scott decided to go to the gym with Avi and Kevin and his friend Alex. Scott put some coco butter lotion on his belly to get rid of the marks then his green tank top and some gym shorts and kissed Mitch goodbye and left.

" So Scott , How are your little girls and Mitch?" Alex asked

" They are doing good. How about I ask Mitch if yall can come over for dinner two night. Avi you can ask your sister too." Scott said trying to lift waits .

" Sounds good to me." Alex said and Avi and Kevin agreed

When he was done working out he called Mitch.

" Hello." Mitch answered

" Hey babe, Can the guys and Esther and Kirstie come over for dinner?" Scott asked he

" Yeah babe, Can you bring something home I don't feel like cooking?" Mitch asked him

" Yes my love." Scott said and hung up

Scott told the guys that he was going to pick up something for dinner and for them to come over at seven for dinner.That would give him time to shower and have time with Mitch. Scott was on his way to Chipotle to get dinner when his phone started to ring he push the button on his radio to answer it.

" Hello babe." Scott said

" Hey babe, Can you get me a coffee on your way home? Mommy could use one." Mitch said

" Yes I can get my mommy a coffee be home soon." Scott said

" Thank you daddy see you soon love you." Mitch said

" Love you too." Scott said and hung up and put on some Beyonc'e.

When Scott got home all the lights were off and Mitch and Wyatt were on the couch sleeping so he quietly put the food in the oven and Mitch's coffee in the refrigerator and when to check on Jessie and Jesselin. They were sleeping to so he got in the shower. Scott was in there for about an hour when he got out Mitch was heating up dinner and drinking his coffee. Scott answered the door when someone knocked on it.

" Hey Avi, Kevin Come in." Scott told them that is when the girls started to cry so started to go get them.

" Can I go get them?" Avi asked Scott

" Yeah sure." He said and went in the back room to get them

When Avi came back out holding both Jesselin and Jessie he was crying.

"Avi, Man are you crying? " Kevin asked him

" Yeah, Man they are so beautiful and grown up fast." Avi said

" Avi,They are only 5 months you can start crying and say that when they call you uncle Avi for the first time." Scott said

There was a knock and Mitch went to answer it.It was Kirstie, Jeremy, Esther and Alex.

" Come in guys and lets get dinner going." Mitch said

They all ate and had some fun.

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