Chapter 4

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It has been two weeks and Scott was getting a little better. The PTX fans and Superfurit fans found out that Scott was sick and their were twitting like crazy for him to get better and Mitch was thanking them. This was why they didn't want to tell nobody right now and they did't want the fans to know. The fans knew that Scott and Mitch was married but they didn't about Scott being pregnant.

It was about 8:00 p.m and Mitch was little stressed from taking care for Scott but he loved him. So he called Kirstie to see if she could come watch Scott for about an hour. So he could go to the store and get some food and other things.

" Hey Kirstie, Can you come over and keep an eye on Scott for me so i can go to the store?" Mitch asked her

"Yeah, Be over in 10." She said and hung up her phone.

When kirstie got he told her that Scott was sleep with Wyatt in their room and would be back in an hour. She said OK and then he left. Kirstie sat on the couch and watched some T.V not wanting to wake up Scott. She was sitting there for a good minute when she heard Scott get up to run to the bathroom he was throwing up. Kirstie got up to see if he was OK.

" Hey, Scott you Ok? " She asked him

" Yeah, What are you doing here kirstie?" Scott asked her

" Oh, Mitch had to go to the store so he called me so you didn't have to be alone." she said

I said OK cleaned up and went to go sit on the couch i didn't want to be in the room Kirstie followed. When I sat down she asked if I wanted anything. I said water because I can't keep food down right now. She went into the kitchen and got me a cold water bottle. Then Kirstie and I just sat and talked until we fell asleep on the couch.

When Mitch walked in their apartment he saw Scott and Kirstie sleeping on the couch so he went to got put the food then went to go wake up Kirstie so she could go home. After Kirstie went home he got Scott so he could take his meds. Scott took his meds then got really hungry. He asked Mitch if he could make him some soup to see if could keep it down and he did. When Scott was done with is soup him and Mitch went to bed.

Scott had woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so looked at his phone to see the time it was 2:35a.m so rolled to cuddle with Mitch but he was not there. He heard the T.V on in the living room so he went to go see what was going on. He found Mitch on the couch drunk and sleep.

" Mitch baby wake up." Scott said shaking Mitch

Mitch mumbled something and Scott tried to get him up again.


Scott just went back in the room and cried himself to sleep.The next morning Mitch woke up on the couch he had no clue what happened that night so he made breakfast for him and Scott. He made them pancakes, eggs, Bacon. He hoped that Scott can keep the food down. Mitch went into their bedroom to wake up Scott.

"Scott baby wake up I made breakfast." Mitch said but Scott just rolled and pulled the blanket over his head. 

"Scott baby what's wrong you know you can tell me anything. " Mitch said to Scott

"Nothing, Just not hungry. " Scott said 

" OK, Well you need to take your medicine." Mitch said 

Scott said OK and sat up to take it but didn't say nothing to Mitch. Mitch just went back into the kitchen to make him a plate and watch T.V. Scott just lay in bed just think about Mitch he told himself that Mitch love him and would never hurt him. 

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