Chapter 2

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Scott and Mitch packed for the trip they were going on. Mitch was so happy that they were going on this trip even though he didn't know where they were going.

" You done packing we need to get going." Scott asked Mitch

" Yes, I just need to get my phone charger."He grabbed it and they were on they way. When they got to the airport Mitch found out they were going to Germany.

" OMG Scott you are taking me to Germany how romantic." Mitch said

Mitch gave Scott a kiss on his lips and got on the plane. When on the plane Scott got his iPod out to listen to music and Mitch lay his head on Scott shoulder and went to sleep it was going to be a 5 hour flight. Mitch was sleep for about an hour before he woke up hungry.

" Hello guys, Would you like something to eat? " The lady asked them

Mitch said " Yes Thank you, What do you have? "

The lady said " We have chicken and Mashed Potatoes or nachos with everything on it."

" I will take the chicken please." Mitch said

She handed him his food and asked what he would like to drink. He said water and she gave him a glass.

" And what would you like sir? " She asked looking at Scott.

Scott said, " I will take some nachos and a Dr.pepper please."

She gave him his food and drink. He said thank you and she left. Scott and Mitch watch a movie and ate their food. When they were done the lady came and got their plates.

A hour had passed and the plane had landed. They got a rental car and headed to the hotel. When they got into the room Mitch's mouth fell open.

" WOW, This is so pretty." He said

" I know right." Scott said putting their bags down.

He was holding his back but he tried not to let Mitch see that is back was hurting.

" What do you want to do before it gets to late? " Scott asked Mitch while he was in the bathroom.

" Can we go just walk around and take in this beautiful city. " Mitch said coming out of the bathroom.

" Yes, Whatever you want baby. " Scott said

So they graded their jackets and the key to the room and went out. They were walking for about an when Scott saw a coffee shop he was hungry and wanted some coffee. So he asked Mitch if they can go in and grab something. He said yes and he was hungry to. They go in and order and sit down to wait for their food. They were sitting there holding hands and talking when some fans come up. The girls asked how Scott and Mitch were doing. They said they were doing good and having a lot of fun then the girls asked for pictures.

" Yes, We would love to." Scott said to the girls.

Scott and Mitch took some pictures with the girls then they got their stuff and went back to the hotel. When they got there they ate their food and watched some T.V when they were done Mitch got in the shower.

Scott didn't even want to take a shower his back was hurting and he was tired so he took some pain pills and went to sleep. Mitch got out of the shower wanting to make love to Scott but he was sleeping so Mitch just got in bed and cuddly with him Mitch kissed Scott on the check and said I love you.

In the morning when Mitch woke up Scott was still sleeping so he got on his phone and went on twitter he had so many of his fans and friends telling him happy birthday he said thank you to everyone then he played some games on his phone. It was going on eleven and Scott still was not up so Mitch rolled over and started to kiss his neck.

With his eyes still Scott said " Mitch why do you always have to give me a boner."

" Because I'm your husband and I love you." Mitch said taking off Scott's boxer.

The next I know Mitch and I are under the covers getting it on. Mitch was banging me so hard that I was so loud and he was telling to keep it down because of the people in the next room.

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