Chapter 33

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5 years later....

"Jesselin Madison Grassi-Hoying get down here now you're going to make everyone late for school." Mitch yelled

" Coming daddy." Jesselin yelled back

It was Jess and Jazz's first day of third grade and Luke and Logan's first day of first grade. Everyone was ready to go but Jesselin, Scott had got the boys ready and made sure they ate and Jessie was ready and she ate too. Scott and Mitch wanted the kids to have normal kid life as much as they could but that was a little hard because they are the kids of Scomiche. Plus Scott and Mitch was still doing Superfruit and Pentatonix was still making music and stuff. So their fans never forgot about them, even if they did stop making music and stuff the fans will never forget them.

Two mins later Jazz came down stairs ready Mitch gave her a pop-tart to eat to go. Mitch gave all his babies a hug and kiss even Scott, before Scott took them to school. When they left Mitch feed the cats and got in the shower.

"Hurry up and come put on your shoes Josh, Uncle Scott's on his way to get you for School." Kristie said

"Ok mommy." Josh said

Josh was going into Kindergarten at the same School as Scott and Mitch's kids. So Scott comes to get him because Jaremey leaves to work in the morning and Kristie was 5 months pregnant with baby number two and they really didn't want her driving. Jaremey didn't even want her to walk Olaf but this was norman for Jeremy because he acted like this when Kristie was pregnant with Josh. Scott knocked at the door and Josh still didn't have his shoes on.

"Good Morning Dot, come right in." Kristie said opening the door

"Good Morning Kit, is Josh ready yet?" Scott said

"Well he does not have his shoes on yet and he had to go pee so he's in the bathroom." Kristie said

" I'll get him out and make sure his shoes gets on." Scott said

Scott went into the bathroom helped Josh then picked him up and got his shoes form Kristie.

"Bye baby see you later." Kristie said giving Josh a kiss as Scott took him out the door

"Bye mommy." Josh said

" See ya later Kit." Scott said

" See ya Dot." Kristie said

When they were gone Kristie got her shoes on to walk Olaf before she relaxed for the day.

Avi and Ashley had got married and now they had triplets two boys and a girl, Cody, Cole,and Chloe. Cody, Cole and Chloe all had Avi's green eyes and Avi's hair and nose everything else so far they got from Ashley. At three months they can tell that Cody is a lot like his daddy Cody loves to eat and sleep and yell, Chloe is always happy but sometimes cranky kinda like her mommy, and Cole is a little bad, sassy baby his trys to hit on his brother and sister when they're playing on the floor. Avi and Ashley had their hands full with the babies but still had time to hang with friends and work.

Kevin and Charlene got married to and had a baby girl. Kaitlyn was a very smart for a two year old, she got that from her mom and dad. Charlene when to work she was lawer now, and Kevin and Kaitlyn was going to Avi's and Ashley's house to spend sometime with them plus Avi and Kevin was going to work on writing a new song. Kevin was making sure all the lights and T.V's were off while Kaitlyn was getting so books to read on the way over there. Kaitlyn was taking forever. Kevin and Charlene move into a house about 30 to 45 mins away from everyone because it was closer to Charlene's work and Kaitlyn's school that they wanted her to be in. That didn't stop Kevin from seeing his bro everyday.

"Kaitlyn Olusola hurry up right now." Kevin yelled

" I'm coming daddy." Kaitlyn yelled back

When Kevin and Kaitlyn got to Avi's Ashley was taking a nap and Cody, Cole and Chloe was in their play pen in the living room and Avi was writing.

" Hi Uncle Avi ." Kaitlyn said going to sit next to him on the couch

"Hi Kaitlyn, How are you baby girl? " Avi said giving her a big bear hug

"I'm good, how are you uncle avi ?" Kaitlyn asked

"I'm good just sleepy." Avi said

" Your are always sleepy Avi." Kevin said

"True, What's up bro ?" Avi said giving Kevin a hug

" Nothing much bro, let's get to work if we can." Kevin said

Avi and Kevin sat their writing working on the song for an hour before the babies started crying and Kaitlyn being hungry. Avi and Ashley change and feed the babies and up them down for a nap While Kevin made Kaitlyn a sandwich and gave her some of Avi's chips. It was night time by the time Kevin and Avi was halfway done. Kevin and Kaitlyn left before it got too late and Kevin would just come back over tomorrow.

A week later Scott and Mitch invited everyone to their house for a big dinner to was kinda like thanksgiving but it wasn't. Esther and her husband and their little girl was the first to come then Avi and Ashley their kids, Kirstie and Jeremy and their boy Josh, Kevin and Charlene and their girl Kaitlyn the last ones to show up was Alex and his boyfriend and PTX's manger. All the kids were playing with Olaf in the backyard while everyone got the dinner ready but Kirstie she was sitting in the backyard watching the kids because she could not be on her feet to long.

After they all ate dinner they all sat around listening and watching Scott, Mitch, Kirstin, Avi and Kevin sing the new song that Avi and Kevin wrote. Then the older kids started sing On My Way Home their parents were so happy and proud. Everything in life was good for Pentatonix.   

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