Chapter 21

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Pentatonix has been on tour for about a month now and Mitch and Scott had to get up early to get ready and the girls ready because they had meeting to go to and Pentatonix needed to recording a song today and they needed to film superfruit today. Mitch woke up and got ready then went to get Scott up.

" Scotty time to wake up." Mitch told him shaking him a little 

" 10 more minutes Mitchy please." Scott said rolling over in bed 

" No Scotty Now. We have alot to do now wake up." Mitch said 

Scott looked up at Mitch and saw his face. " OK, My Queen I'm up." Scott said getting out of the bed. 

" Can you help me get Jesslin and Jessie up and ready first please?" Mitch asked 

" Yeah babe." Scott said then help Mitch 

Once Scott and Mitch got Jazz and Jess dress then when to Starbucks before the meeting they had that morning. Scott order Mitch and the twins something and when sit down with them too wait for it .Their name was called and Scott got up to get it. 

" You didn't get you nothing to eat babe?" Mitch asked him when he saw that only got coffee. 

" No I'm just not hungry this morning." Scott taking a sip of his coffee 

" What?" Mitch said " Are you feelin OK Scotty?" 

" Yeah I guess." Scott said 

" Will maybe you have been eating to much you look like you gaining some weight Scotty." Mitch said 

" You calling me fat Mitch?" Scott asked 

" Maybe a little but you still look sexy babe." Mitch said 

Scott nodded and got starting to walk away.

" Where you going Scotty I'm sorry honey come back." Mitch said 

" I'm just going to the bathroom mitchy." Scott said looking back 

Scott knew he was gaining weight and he was trying to lose it but he just wanted to eat all the time witch was not good being on tour.

Pentatonix was now at their meeting and john was talking. Scott really had to pee but didn't want to interrupt john talking. Jessie and Jesslin were taking a nap on the couch in the office. Jesslin woke up. 

" Sorry to interrupt but I really have to pee." Jesslin said 

" It's Ok princess I'll take you. " Scott said because he had to pee too

Scott picked up Jazz and put her on his hips and went to the bathrooms. Scott took her in the family bathroom and locked the door. Scott put Jesslin in a stall so she could use the bathroom and then turned around so he could pee too. When Scott was done he washed his hands and help Jazz wash her hands to and when back to the meeting and quietly sat back down. 

" You didn't really miss anything Scott but Mitch or someone can fill you in." John told Scott 

" Ok, Cool." Scott said 

Mitch and Scott were back in their hotel filming Superfruit before the concerted that night. Jazz and Jess were so hyper could not stop laughing and running around the room Scott and Mitch played with them but got tired. So Mitch text Avi to see if him and Kevin watch them.

Mitchy: Hey Avi can you and Kev watch Jazz and Jess for us Plz? 

Avi: We would love to Mitchy will come and get them in a minute 

Mitchy: Thanks :) 

Avi: No Problem :) 

" Ok Jazz, Jess Uncle Kevin and Avi are coming to get you and go some where to play." Mitch told the girls 

" YEAH." They yelled  

A minute later Kevin was there to get Jess and Jazz.

" Hey Kev, Where's Avi?" Scott said letting Kevin in 

" Hey Scotty, Avi is still getting ready I told him I would come get Jess and Jazz and meet him in the car we rented." Kevin said 

" Uncle Kevin !!! " Jazz and Jess said running to give Kevin a big huge 

" Hey Girls." Kevin said opening his arms

" Yall ready to go to the park?" Kevin asked

" Yeah!!" They said

" Here is their bag with extra outfits and other things if they need it." Scott handing Kevin the bag 

" Thanks Scotty see you guys in an hour right ?" Kevin said 

" Yup we have sound check at 1:30 right?" Scott asked 

"Yup see you there . Have fun filming Superfurit guys ." Kevin said 

" And you and Avi have fun with our babies." Scott said as they left to meet Avi in the car. 

Avi and Kevin put the girls in their car seats and was off to the park. Avi and Kevin were pushing Jessie and Jesslin on the swings while taking about the show they had tonight. Then Jess and Jazz wanted to run around and play so Avi and Kevin went to sit on a bench and watched them until it was time to go.

" Uncle Avi, Uncle Kevin Can we get some ice cream pleaze?" Jessie asked her Uncles on the way to back to the hotel.

" Yeah sure girls we can get some." Avi said 

Scott and Mitch were filming Superfurit .

" Hi, My name is Nayvee." Scott said 

" And My name is Taylee and our mother didn't love us." Mitch said and Scott laugh so hard 

"So were doing a twitter Q&A today we twitted this ooohhnooo live." Scott said 

" On Live Nude Girls." Mitch said 

They were done with the Q&A and Scott was lay on the bed editing the video. 

" I'm going to get some coffee and hang out with Kirstie I'll be back soon Scotty." Mitch told him 

" Ok I'll seen you soon Tinkerbell I love you." Scott said 

" I love you too." Mitch said going out the door to meet kirstin

Scott fished the video and fell asleep until Kevin and Avi came back with Jess and Jazz. Then Mitch and Kristie came back too. 

" Here is your coffee babe." Mitch handing him his coffee

" Thanks Mitchy."  Scott said taking a sip of his drink but it didn't taste and he ran to throw it up.

" You ok Scotty ?" Mitch asked 

" Yeah for some reason the coffee didn't taste right to me." Scott 

" What are you sick?" Mitch asked 

" I don't feel sick." Scott said 

" What if you are pregnant again Scotty ?" Mitch said 

" Oh god I might but I hope not i would love more kids but not right now ." Scott said 

" Will you might be you have been acting like it." Mitch said putting a hand on Scott's belly 

" Yeah , Lets go to sound check babe." Scott said 

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