Chapter 8

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" So what do you think about the names Jesselin and Jessie? Jesselin means God's Gracious , Beautiful Gift and Jessie means God Beholds." Mitch asked Scott and Kirstie who was chilling in the front of the tour bus. 

" I think they are perfect." Kirstie said 

" I love the names and I think the girls do to." Scott said with his over his belly feeling the babies move.

It was hard to keep Scott's belly a secret but we were doing it. I think we should tell our fans before he gets to big and they find themselves. 

" Hey Scott I think we should tell the fans that we are having babies. What do you think?" Mitch asked 

" Yeah, Why don't we tell them in the superfruit vid we can film it when we get to the hotel." Scott said 

An hour latter Scott and Mitch was in their hotel room film superfruit.

" Hey welcome to superfruit the best show on the internet my name is Cardinals." Scott said 

" And my name is Blue Jays and are beautiful birds." Mitch said and Scott started laughing so hard 

" So do you guys remember that time I got really sick will we found out why." Scott said he looked at Mitch " I'm Pregnant. About 3 1/2 months with two little girls. We might tell yall the names a latter date. " Scott said 

" OK, Now we are going to play a game." Mitch said 

When they were done filming and Scott edited the video and uploaded it. When he was done he was so tired he got into the bed and went to sleep Mitch took a nap with him. Mitch woke up to knocking at the door so he slowly got up to answer it. It was Avi. 

" Hey whats up?" Mitch asked him

"We have a interview in a hour but we are leaving in 10 minutes." Avi said 

"OK, Thanks we will be down minute." Mitch told him 

" OK, see you." Avi said 

Mitch went to wake up Scott he didn't like to but they had to leave. 

" So we heard that you were pregnant Scott how are you doing ? " the man asked 

" I doing good thank god that i have my PTX family and my Mitch to take care of me." Scott told the man 

" Aww, That is good. Dose PTX have anything new coming out that you guys can tell us about?" the man asked 

" Well we are going to try to start doing our own songs." Kevin said 

" Great the fans will love that, So who do you guys think is the best singer out of yall? He asked 

" uh, Mitch." Scott said and everyone nodded to agree 

" Yes, Mitch." Kevin said 

Mitch blushed " AWWW, Thank you guys." He said  

When they were done they all went out to lunch to a all you can eat place. Scott was vary happy because he was hungry. When they go there Scott went to the bathroom while the others got table and food. Scott came out of the bathroom and straight for the food. He got some fried chicken and macaroni and cheese and of course he grabbed some BBQ sauce before sitting down.

" I got you a Dr. Pepper to drink, honey." Mitch said to Scott

" Thanks baby." Scott said kissing Mitch on the lips

They all just talked and a good time before they got on the bus to head home.  

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