Chapter 29

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It's been about 16 months scents Scott and Mitch brought Luke and Logan home.Luke and Logan were starting to walk and wanting to play with their sisters everything seemed to be going good. Scott was at a meeting and Mitch stayed at home with the kids. Mitch was cooking lunch while the kids played in their play room. 

"Daddy, Daddy, Somethings wrong with Jessie." Jessielin she said running out the room Mitch caught her in his arms 

" What Is it baby girl ?" Mitch asked cutting off the food and walking in the back room 

" Jessie has red spots all over her and she crying daddy ." Jessielin said 

" Oh no ok lets go see what wrong with your sister princess." Mitch said 

Mitch and Jazz walked into the room to see Jess throwing up all over the floor. Mitch walked over to her and picked her up she felt hot. Mitch put her back down washed his hands then put Luke and Logan in the cribs  and told Jazz to go to her room to take a nap so he get Jess in the bath to clean her put and try to cool her down. Mitch got her in the tub then text Scott. 

Mitchy: Call me when u can asap. <3 

Scott had just left his meeting and was sitting in his car when he got Mitch's text and called him.

"Hey Honey, Is everything Okay?" Scott said when Mitch answered his phone 

" Well Jessie has The Chicken Pox , So can you please go to the store and get her some Benadryl and Tyenol , Moisturizer and some oatmeal bath body wash?" Mitch asked Scott 

" OMG Yes I'll get everything god i hope the other kids don't catch it too." Scott said 

" Well I think Luke and Logan are to young but Jessielin still can get it ." Mitch said 

" Ok , i'll be home soon. Love You Mitchy." 

" Love you too Scoot." 

Scott hung up and went to get the stuff and headed back home. Mitch was in the kitchen cleaning when Scott came home it was quite " HELLO, Anybody home?" Scott said and shut the door behind him 

" Shhh, Honey the kids are sleep." Mitch said 

"Oh ok sorry baby.I got the stuff for Jess how is she feelin? " Scott said 

" She not feelin well at all right now she won't stop itchin and she hot plus throwing up." Mitch said 

"Awww our poor princess i'll go and give her some of this medicine i got her." Scott said and gave Mitch a kiss before going down to the girls room. 

Scott when got in the girls room he saw that Jazz had red spots on her to and she was itching and crying. She had caught the Chicken Pox too. Scott gave both of them medicine and rubbed some cream on them to help them stop itching. Then he when to get some juice for them and to tell Mitch that Jazz now had it too. 

" Mitchy Jazz has the Chicken Pox too she was crying and itching too so i gave some medicine too." Scott told Mitch 

" Wow ok so we have two sick 3 year old and two 16 months old that are starting to walk and get in everything. How are we gonna do this?" Mitch said 

" We make it work because we love each other plus we have friends and family that will help too." Scott said 

" Your right we can do this I love you ." 

" Ok I'm gonna give the girls some juice how bout you check on the boys and then we'll meet in our room to talk and maybe take a nap too." Scott said 

" Sounds Good Honey." Mitch said then when to check on Luke and Logan 

Luke and Logan were still sleep so Scott and Mitch cuddled and talked until they fell asleep. 

A week later Scott and Mitch got into a big fight Scott was so stressed that he just went off on Mitch when they were trying to do a Superfruit video. Mitch told Scott to say with Alex for a while just for him to calm down Mitch was not mad at Scott.Jazz and Jess were getting a little better and Luke and Logan were now trying to run around and play with Wyatt and Angel now. Mitch was give Luke and Logan a bath and Jess and Jazz were watching T.V in the living room with Wyatt when Kirstie came over to see how everyone was doing and two tell Scott and Mitch some great news. 

Mitch heard the girls yellin " Aunt Kirstie" so he get the boys out and dressed and went to see why Kirstie was there. 

" Hey Kit , Whats up?" Mitch asked 

" I wanted to tell you and Scott something , Where's Scott ? , Why is he not here helping you with the kids?" Kirstie asked 

" He's staying at Alex 's for a couple days . We kinda got into a fight." Mitch said 

"Well maybe we can get Scott to come out to a dinner with you, Me and Jeremy so we can tell y'all. And oh Kevin and Avi and Esther's coming too." Kirstie said 

" Ok we can call Scott and see." Mitch said picking up Logan 

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