Chapter 13

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It has been a couple 2 months sense Scott and Mitch brought their little girls home. Jessie was a good baby she slept most of the time but when she got hungry she turned a diva just like Scott. Jesselin liked to be awake and knows what going on and she ate like Scott and her sister. Scott was not supposed to be working be he did not care if PTX needed to do a photo shoot or an interview we would have a friend of ours watch the girls but we not be gone long because we could not be away from our babies long. 

When got home from an interview Jesselin and Jessie was sleeping so we filmed for superfruit we did a Beyonce' medley Scott did the piano parts and we both sang we try doing to with out waking the babies up but that didn't work out they started to cry when we started to sing but they loved when we did so they were just hungry. 

As I feed Jessie and Scott feed Jesselin I started thinking. 

" What are you thinking about babe?" Scott asked me 

" Uh , I was thinking about getting a house I know this apartment is fine but I want to raise our girls in a house and we would have more room and we can have a office to do superfruit in." I said 

" I that sounds great. Can we go for a walk when we done feeding the girls?" he asked 

" Yeah why not." I said 

Scott and I dressed the girls warm because it was kind of cold out. We put on their matching pink sweaters and Scott put on his No angel Beyonce' sweater and I put on mine Surfboard one. We put Jessie and Jesselin in their double stroller and grabbed their dipper bag and when out the door. 

We were a mile down the street when Scott stopped holding his back. 

"Babe, Can we stop for a second? Scott asked trying to catch his breath. 

" Yeah babe, Are you OK?" I asked him 

" Yeah I think so I'm just out of breath for some reason and my back is killing me." He said 

" Will we can head home if you want." I told him

" No, I'm good can we go to the Starbucks down the street." he said 

" Yeah babe lets go if you can't make it let me know." I told him

So I push the stroller the rest of the why.When we got there Scott sat down at a table and I put the stroller next to him and went to use the bathroom. When I came back from the bathroom Scott was talking to some girl holding Jessie. So I went to go see this girl was talking to my man and holding our baby. 

" Hey babe, Who is this?" I asked giving him a kiss 

" Babe, This is Mara. She the fan that saved me." he said 

 " Oh, It is nice to meet you Mara Thank you so much for saving Scott's and our little girls life's. The doctor gave me your number to call to say thank you but as you can see I have been busy." Mitch said 

" Oh, It is no problem I'm a really big fan of Pentatonix and Superfruit and I'm just glad someone was there to save him and your babies." Mara said 

" Ok Thank you again. Scott honey do you want me to order you something?" Mitch asked 

" Yes , Can you get me an Ice Coffee and a Onion bagel please babe? " Scott said 

" Yes babe , Mara would you like anything my treat? " Mitch asked her 

" Just an Ice Coffee please I need to get going." she said 

" Got it." Mitch said and went to order 

 Mitch order everything to go. They talked while they waited then Mara got in her and left and Scott and Mitch started walking home.When they got home Scott went to take a nap in the room .The girls were sleeping in the stroller so Mitch left them in there not wanting t o wake them up. He put them by the couch then went to get his laptop then sat down next to his babies and turned on the T.V and got on his laptop to search for a new house for him and his family.

Soon Mitch got tired so he put the girls in their cribs and when to get in his and Scott's bed but Scott was sleeping like a starfish so he curdled up in Scott's side and fell asleep. It was around one in the afternoon when the Jessie started crying and then she woke up Jesselin and she started crying. So me and Scott got up changed their diaper and feed them. They were wide so put on some music and went to got cook some lunch but we really didn't have any food and Scott went back to bed so i called Kirstie. 


"Hey Kirst , Can you come over and keep an eye on Scott and the girls for me? Scott is sleeping and the girls are just chilling ."

" Yeah Mitch I be over in 5 mins "

" Thank you Kirst."

Mitch was making the girls some bottles just in case they got hungry while he was at the store when Kirstie knocked on the door and then came in. 

"Hey Jessie Hey Jesseiln Hey Mitch ." Kirstie said 

" Hey Kirstie." Mitch said 

Mitch told her what to do with the babies and left to the store. Mitch was at the store walking around getting some food and he saw some cute guys looking at him he just smiled and kept walking. Mitch was looking at the meats when one of the cute guys came up to him. 

" Hi I'm Louis." He said

" I know I'm a fan of One direction. I'm Mitch. " Mitch said and waved to the other boys.

" And I know your name I'm a fan of Pentatoinx and Superfruit. And damm you are so fcute in preson." Louis said

" Thank you you are too but I need to finsh shopping and get back to my husband and babies." Mitch said

 " Ok, Tell Scott I said hi and maybe we meet up and have some fun sometime." Louis said 

" Sounds good we talk later. bye."Mitch said 

" Bye." 

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