Chapter 12

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Scott is now 9 months and he was taking a nap. Mitch and Kirstie just got done with the babies room when they heard Scott scream in pain. Mitch ran into the room with Kirstie right behind him.

" Scott what is wrong is it time." Mitch asked 

" I think so my water has not broke but I'm in pain." Scott said 

" Ok, lets go Kirstie can you grab his bag and call Kevin and Avi." Mitch said 

They got to the car and lay a blanket in the back seat of Scott just in case his water brakes Kirstie gets in the back with him and they are on their way.Every time Scott would scream Mitch would drive faster. When they got to the hospital Kirstie went to get a wheelchair.Mitch was helping Scott out of the car when his water broke Avi and Kevin just got their to and saw them and helped. Kevin wheeled Scott into the hospital and Mitch told the nurse that he water broke while they were outside. The nurse told me and Scott to follow her and the other to stay in the waiting room. 

When we got to the room the nurse gave me a gown to have Scott put on and said Dr.Bandit will be in soon. Scott was having a contraction and screaming in pain when the dr. came in to see how he was doing. 

" How far apart are the contractions?" Dr.Bandit asks 

" They are 15 minutes and he had three." Mitch told him 

"Will let me see how far you are dilated Scott." Dr.Bandit said  

" Will Scott it looks like you will be able to push in about an hour if anything happens between that time let me or a nurse know." Dr.Bandit said

" OK, Thank you." Scott said 

" Scott babe, Will you be ok mommy needs some coffee and I want to let the others know how you doing. " Mitch said 

" Yes but can you see if Kirstie can come in here while you are gone I don't want to be alone." Scott said 

" Yes babe I will be back fast to you want anything." Mitch asked 

" No Love you." Scott said 

" I love you too babe." Mitch said giving him a  kiss

 Scott was laying on his side trying to get the pain out of his back when he had another contraction and at the same time Kirstie came running in to hold his hand. His contractions were getting closer together.He just wished he didn't have the girls without Mitch.  

" Hey Dot, You are doing good soon you will be holding your healthy baby girls." Kirstie said 

" Hey Kirst, Thank you." Scott said 

Scott was having another contraction when the Dr. came in with Mitch right behind him. Mitch ran next to Kirstie to let Scott know he was there. Scott smiled up at Mitch when the contraction was done. 

" So are you ready to have some babies Scott?" Dr.Bandit asked 

" Yes, I'm so ready." He said looking at Mitch 

Kirstie told them good luck, gave them a hug and left the room. Scott pushed for about 15 minutes when they heard their first little girl screaming. The nurse lay her on Scott's chest while Mitch cut the cord. She was beautiful she had Scott's eyes and nose but Mitch's lips she had dirty blond hair. The took her so Scott could get the other baby out. This girl took a little bit more time to come but Scott did it. Their second little girl was not crying not first which scared them but the Dr. got her crying. Their second little girl looked just like the first one. The nurse lay her on Scott's chest and Mitch cut the cord then they quickly took her away. 


"We are just going to make sure she is OK.Calm down." Dr.Bandit said 

"Scott calm down you did great our girls fine." Mitch told him trying to calm him

Scott calm downed then fell asleep.While Scott was sleep Mitch went to the waiting to tell the other how Scott was doing.

 " Mitch?" Kirstie said and hugged him "How did Scott do is he OK? Are the babies good?" 

" Scott did amazing he is asleep right now but the girls I hope are OK. The first one seemed healthy but our second one wasn't crying at first. They took her away right when I was done cutting the cord." Mitch said 

"Oh My God , Don't worry your girls will be fine and you guys are going to be great dads." Kirstie said Avi and Kevin agreed .When Mitch was talking to them the Dr. came out to talk to him.

"Mr. Grassi-Hoying?" Dr.Bandit said 

"Yes." Mitch said 

" I just wanted to let you know the your babies are fine and if you and your friends would like you could go in the room and the nurses will bring them in." Dr. Bandit said 

" That would be great Thank you." Mitch said and went in the room 

When they got in the room Mitch woke up Scott and told him that the girls are fine and bring them in. Scott was so happy to get to hold his girls. The nurse brought them in and Scott started crying but they were happy tears. Scott was holding one and I was holding the other one. Scott and I was looking at our girls. 

"Kirstie, Avi ,Kevin meet our girls I'm holding Jessie Kina Grassi-Hoying and Mitch is holding Jesselin Madison Grassi-Hoying. " Scott said 

"AWWW , Can I hold Jesselin Mitch?" Kirstie asked 

" Of course." Mitch said giving her to Kirstie 

"Avi , Kevin do you guys want to take turns holding Jessie?" Scott asked them 

"Yes." they said that the same time 

Scott and Mitch was looking at thier firends holding their girls they were a happy family. 

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