Chapter 3

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A week had past and me and Mitch were home so we had the group over for some drink and to just talk. I was drinking a beer and talking to Avi when I felt like I had to throw up so I ran to the bathroom. I guess Mitch heard me because he came into the bathroom asking if I was OK.

I said yes I think so.

"Did you have to much to drink?" I asked Scott.

"No, That was my first one Mitch." I told him.

I started to throwing up again Mitch came to sit next to me. When I was done he helped me clean up and took me in our room to lay down.

" Get some sleep Scotty I love you." Mitch said

" OK, I love you too Mitchy." I said closing my eyes.

" Is Scott OK? " Avi asked when Mitch came back into the living room.

" Yeah, I think so he is not feeling good." Mitch told Avi

" Avi did Scott have to much to drink?" Mitch asked.

" No, that was his first one. Do you want us to leave? " Avi said

" No you guys can stay we can have a little bit more fun we just need to keep it down. " Mitch said

It was around 2:00 am when everyone left. Mitch was sleepy so he cleaned up and then went to bed. He got into bed and kissed Scott on his forehead. He was burning up with a fever so Mitch went to get him some pills to bring it down. Mitch started to shake Scott and saying his name. Scott just rolled over but then he felt like he had to throw up again so he got up and ran to bathroom. When Scott came back into the room Mitch gave him the pills and checked his fever it was 102.3.

" Scott if you don't stop throwing up and fever dose not go down in a hour i'm taking to the hospital." Mitch told him

He said OK taking the pills and laying back down.

An hour had past and Scott was still throwing up and his fever was the same. So Mitch got him up and took him to the hospital fast. When they got there Mitch told the nurse what was wrong with Scott. They got him a room and doctor right away.

Mitch was sitting there holding Scott's hand he was worried because he was getting worst. Then the doctor came in asked Mitch some stuff and gave Scott some more medicine  to help him.

30 Minutes  latter the nurse came in and said that needed to wake up Scott because she needed to take some blood that the doctor wanted to do some tests. I said OK and wake up Scott.

" Scott, Honey you need to wake up." Mitch said lightly shaking Scott.

" Were am I? " Scott asked slowly opening his eyes. 

" Your at the hospital and they need blood to take some tests ." Mitch told Scott.

Scott said OK and gave the nurse his arm. When the nurse left Scott started throwing up again. When he was done Mitch gave him some water. 

" Mitch thanks for being here for me I love you. " Scott said 

" Aww Scott i don't see myself anywhere but here with you I love you too baby." Mitch said 

" Mitch will you come cuddle with me? " I ask him 

I said yes to Scott i didn't know if I could get what he got but I didn't care my honey needed me. Scott move over some so I could get in the bed with him he soon fell asleep. About an hour latter the doctor came in he saw that Scott was sleep but I was just laying their. 

" Mr. Grassi-Hoying I have the test result would you like to hear them." He asked 

" Yes, Should I wake up Scott? " I asked. He said yes so I did. 

" Well I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is Scott is very sick and is going to need bed rest and medicine for about a month. I hope this is good news for you Scott is also pregnant we don't know how the baby is doing so I am going to have a nurse to come see if everything is look good we can give Scott some medicine and send you guys home." The doctor said.

" OK, That is great thank you." Mitch said and the doctor left.

Mitch looked over at Scott who was crying. 

" Awww, Scott why are you crying is'nt this great." Mitch asked him

"Yes, This is happy crying I just hope our baby is not sick to. " Scott said

" Scott I think our baby is doing just fine in there. " Mitch said with his hand on Scott belly.

Scott and Mitch was just laying there talking when they heard a knock on the door Mitch yelled for them to come in. 

" Hello I am here to check on your baby and give medicine so you can leave. " The nurse said

They said OK and Scott lay back and lifted up his shirt so she could see his belly.She got the gel out and put some on Scott belly. 

"WOW, That is cooled." Scott said 

" Yeah, You will get used to it the more we do this. " The Nurse said 

She put the wand on Scott's belly and we hears the baby's hart beat the Scott starts to cry harder. I just was hold him telling him it was OK. The nurse told us the baby was fine and left to get Scott's  medicine and the papers to go. On the ride home we decided not to tell nobody until Scott got better. 

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