The Return

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Teba's  P.O.V

Riju, Sidon, Yunobo, and I along with Link, Princess Zelda and the rest of the Champions walked toward the opening of the destroyed castle of Hyrule. Suddenly Princess Zelda stopped looking down at the eye of the egg like guardian that had fallen in battle. It was emitting a blue hue with sparkles that began to surround me along with Riju, Sidon, and Yunobo.

The Champions looked towards us with an intrigued yet shocked look at how we began to glow and sparkle. "Well then, it seems the time has come." Riju put her hands on her hips while looking at her sand seal until facing the Tall Gerudo Champion. "I could not be prouder. It was an honor to be of service." The Gerudo women by the name Urbosa smiled while placing her hand onto her hips as well "I know you will lead our people well, Riju."

Turning I see Yunobo and the Goron Champion Daruk putting their fists together. "Thanks for everything, Yunobo. We didn't get much time together, but I'll always cherish it." Daruk put his arms together as Yunobo put both his hands into fists with a look of determination. "I will too! It was so much fun. You're the best, Daruk!"

Facing the Rito Champion Revali as he slowly walked over to me with his arms crossed. "This has been enlightening." I began "I even got to see the face behind the Champion." I looked down at him as he observed me 'hmm' He turned away from me. Shocking me from his cold behavior, yet I kept my straight face.

"I know...that we'll meet again, dear brother." Seeing the Zora Champion Mipha looking up to her brother. Sidon had a look that showed sadness with a mixture of joy as he nodded "Yes. You're my beloved sister...and our hearts will never be apart." They both shared a smile.

Princess Zelda began to walk toward us as we began to glow and sparkle more "I will never forget today's miracles." Everyone turned to the Princess as she spoke. "How all of you fought by my side, and the trials we overcame together..." She smiled "I'll treasure...our friendship always." Sidon, Riju, Yunobo, and I began to turn into blue figures of our self and slowly disappeared traveling back to our timeline. Leaving the Champions, Princess, and Link.

Back in the Present time

We slowly began to reappear in front of Hyrule Castle, However it seemed different...It was fixed and restored to it's beauty before the Calamity Ganon. "That....was.......AMAZING!!!!!!" I turned to see Yunobo gushing about meeting his great great grandfather Daruk.

"Indeed it was quiet....amazing." Riju looked down as I saw a faint blush peak threw her strains of red hair that made its way to cover her face. I realized that Sidon hadn't said a word since we arrived back at Hyrule. "Sidon? Are you alright?"

Sidon looked up at me with a grief-stricken look that would put anyone into a sad mood. "The Champions, the Princess," He looked at his feet. "Are they....alive?" I looked up at Sidon in shock, while Riju and Yunobo suddenly realize the extent of the situation. "It's been a hundred years...but what if something happened in that amount of time?" Sidon began to shack.

"Well that would be expected, however..." We all turned around to see the Champions not as young as they were 100 years ago smiling at us along with a very old Princess Zelda, Link, and the Egg Gardian. The only one that didn't seem to age yet have slight wrinkles was Sidon's sister Mipha.

"After you left, we took it upon our self's to restore Hyrule to its upper form of beauty." Princess Zelda explained. The rest of the Champions nodded in agreement. Riju eyed Link for a moment before asking "Link, where is your sword?" We all looked at Link to realize his sword was no where in sight as he chuckled to himself.

Looking at the Champions they all began to walk towards us while taking of their blue piece of clothing, that had the Divine Beasts on them. Master Revali handed me his Great Eagle Bow, Looking down at the Rito Champion

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