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(A/N HELLO MY AMAZING READERS!!!! I forgot to mention in the first A/N that there is going to be a lot of Flash Backs throughout the story. I will try to refrain from doing a bunch of Time Skips, however, this is my first story that I am making so if there are a few Time skips I apologies in advance. With that out of the way I hope you enjoy this chapter. :) )

Staring at the target I begin to remember the first time I met with Master Revali. Not so shockingly he was not as nice to me as he is now. He pushed me away constantly claiming I was just another lowly and incapable hylian who wouldn't possibly be able to handle a bow. That obviously didn't stop me.

Flash back

The snow was coming down hard as I made my way up to the Flight Range to where was said to be the place Master Revali would train and spend most of his time at. Upon arriving I see a blue Rito with four magnificent braids all in a clean and slick look to it. Revali turns his head slightly towards me with a distasteful look.

"tch...a hylian...what do you want? As you can see I am rather busy." I jumped from his sudden voice but recovered quickly standing straight "Master Revali, I came from Hyrule Village in hopes to get stronger." I said fearlessly towards the Rito Champion. He glances towards me with a foul look "Stronger? You, you are a hylian and to add up obviously a reckless hylian. I have no such obligations into teaching YOU anything!" He claimed turning away from me once again.

Staring at the Rito's back I march up to him with a new found boldness to get the Rito's approval to teach me how to use a bow. "Master Revali! I promise to listen and follow everything to tell me and teach me to do, I'm not leaving until you teach me!" I looked at the Rito back in front of me. "HA, then I guess you'll be here for a while." He spread his wings and blew an updraft up into the air blowing me back a bit as he disappears into the clouds.

Staring at the spot where the Rito had disappeared to I turned back to the Flight Range to sit next to the fire. "If he thinks I'm going to leave after coming here, he is wrong." I begin to make a snack using berries and fruit to make a fruit desert concoction. After finishing my meal I look out towards where the Rito had disappear too. "Hopefully his not gone too long." I lay down to rest for the next day.

Time Skip

The next day I am awoken by the sound of wings flapping and a thump on the wood. Opening my eyes I see Master Revali staring at me with a puzzled look. "Why are you still here? Honestly don't you have anything better to do?"

He placed his wing onto his beak as if trying to figure a way to get me to leave his Flight Range. "Nope, I have nothing in the world to do." I looked at him with a careless yet wide smile. Looking at me with a glare he tips his head up. "I'm still not going to train you."

My smile fading I get up instantly "Come on, I won't leave until you agree to teach me!" The Rito Champion eyed me for a good minute "UUUUUH....fine, I'll teach you." I jumped up in excitement about to thank Master Revali

"HOWEVER, you have to follow my every rule, every order I give you, and most are not aloud to complain about the training I will put you through. Do you understand?" I instantly agreed to the rules that he has put down, putting one of my arms to my chest while the other one rises. "I promise I won't complain!" With a smile that can blind even the meanest Lynel.

Revali rolled his eyes "Well then, your training starts now." I stare at the Rito in astonishment from what he had just announced to me. Opening my mouth the Rito shot me a glare causing me to close my mouth instantly 'No complaining.'

Revali started to teach me the basics "Ok, show me how you hold a bow." I held up the bow that he had provided me with as I took position. "Oh my goddess, your holding it completely wrong." He walked over to me pushing my back straighter while moving my feet more apart from one another as he fixed my arms in the position they were in. "This is the stance you need to be in to even have an accurate shot. The way you were holding it would end up having your joints to get sore."

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