The Meeting

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(A/N sorry for the late update, it's been a bit crazy the past 2 weeks. But please enjoy this chapter)

Watching as the rest of the champions make their way over to Teba and I. Observing the Champions I see a Gerudo girl, Goron, and Zora in front of us.

Stopping in front of us "Teba! Welcome to my home, I do hope your travel here wasn't troublesome." The Zora starts before moving his attention to me "Oh! And you have brought a Hylian, splendid!" He exclaims while opening his arms. Giving him a smile he crouches down to my level. "I am Sidon, it is a pleasure to meet you!" He says.

'Sidon...wait, PRINCE SIDON!?!' realizing the extent of the situation I'm in, I mentally scream at myself to not do anything embarrassing. "I'm Y/N." I say without stuttering "The pleasure is mine." I respond to the rather large Zora. Readjusting my attention to the Gerudo and Goron who introduce them self's to be Riju and Yunobo.

I could already tell that all four of them are an indestructible group. 'How are they going to find the next Knight?' I thought as Riju made her way to Teba's side. "Teba who is this hylian?" Her soft voice is as sweet and smooth as honey. "*Gasp* Is she the one?!" Riju suddenly jumps as she turns to me with stars in her eyes. "No Riju, She isn't the Knight we're looking for." Teba simply states as he stares at Riju. "Oh." Riju softly says blushing in embarrassment.

"Master Revali suggested that she would be of great service to help us search." He finishes "SPLENDID!" Shouted Sidon as he motioned us to follow him. "We appreciate all the help we can get." He added, Riju and Yunobo both nodded in agreement to Sidons statement. Turning to get H/N only to see a Zora already bringing them to a nearby stable. Rushing to catch up with the others we make our way past a statue of a female Zora I pause for a moment to look up at her.

"That statue would be my dear sister, Mipha." I turn my head to see Sidon standing next to me as he gazes up at the statue as well. "She was the previous Champion who Piloted Vah Ruta...100 years ago she had fallen in battle when faced with the Calamity. However, luckily I was somehow able to go back in time to come to her aid and together we all defeated Calamity Ganon." He finishes explaining as we continue to gaze at the statue before rejoining with the rest of the Champions.

Passing multiply Zora's we made it to the palace of Zora's Domain. Upon entering we are instantly greeted by King Dorephan. Teba, Riju, Yunobo, and I all instantly bow to show our respect. "Father do we have your permission to enter the elders meeting quarters to discuss rather important information?" Sidon requests

"Hmm, I don't see why not..." He looked at us all. "I must say that you all remind me of the previous Champions Lady Urbosa, Revali, Daruk, and Mipha, this truly is a sight to see..." King Dorephan says before looking down towards me "Especially your friend there." He says motioning to me. "My she seems to resemble Link." King Dorephan comments as everyone looks at me for a moment before turning our attention to Sidon to lead the way.

As Sidon leads us out of the what I have to say must be the thrown room. I couldn't help but notice a Zora that was similar to the statue that was in the middle of the Domain. She flashed me a small smile as we continued by, I also noticed a Manta Ray elder next to her glaring at me with a stare that could kill making me gulp and pick up my pace to walk next to Teba.

Teba's eyes slightly turned onto my figure as Sidon stopped at a door, knocking before entering showing that no one was in the room. Slowly filling into the room and taking a seat around the table the Champions began the meeting.

"My beloved friends, I must thank you all for traveling to Zora's Domain. I have hope with all of us together we will surly come up with a plan that will be brilliant." He declares as everyone smiles at his encouraging words.

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