The Beginning of our journey

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Y/N's P.O.V

Teba and I have been walking for about an hour, I was fine since I always trained with Master Revali for these kinds of trips. I would walk for an entire day, running at some points from his trainings some times. I looked around the terrain we were in, my eyes scanned the horizon looking at how the sun would be set in an hour or two.

My eyes locked down to a beautiful horse that was grazing in a field as we walked by, I came to a stop as I never took my eyes off of it. Teba turned around about to ask me why I stopped when he saw my eyes sparkling onto something in the field. Turning his head in the direction I was staring off into he see's the horse and looks back at me with a skeptical look.

"Y/N, have you ever tamed a horse?" He asks.

Not taking my eyes off of the horse I shook my head no as I slowly started to creep to the creature. Teba watched from a distance as I made my way to the black horse, the closer I got the more I wanted to tame it. I noticed the horses eyes were a bright brown color almost like it was maple.

The horse still hadn't noticed my presents, so I sneak around planning where and how I was going to get onto the horses back. Out of no where as if my body began to move on its own. I jumped onto the horses back as it began to buck as I hold on for dear life as it attempted to kick me off of its back. For about what felt like an hour all motion stopped.

Slowly opening my eyes I see that the horse was calm and grazing with me on the back, instantly I turned to see Teba's reaction. Only to see his beak slightly open in disbelief. "What, have you such little faith in me?" I joke placing a hand on top of my chest pretending to look offended. Teba closed his beak as he shook his head "No, no, I'm just impressed.... Are you sure you've never tamed a horse before?" "Nope." I say popping the P. Teba gave a small nod as he began to walk on the trail one more, as I stir the horse to follow him  beginning our journey with a new companion.

Time Skip

An hour later we are still walking and the sun had completely disappeared and the path was lit by the moon. Teba came to a stop as he looked around for a moment then turned to me "We should stop for now." Wondering why he wanted to stop, I suddenly remember. 'Monsters! How could I have forgotten?!' Teba began to head in a different direction as I stirred the horse to follow him. 'I'll get used to stirring a horse in the direction I want it to soon...hopefully."  Teba stops by a bundle of trees that made a pretty neat shelter

"We can rest here for the night." He turns his yellow eyes in my direction, as if to see if I approved of the shelter he had discovered. Which I responded with a smile and two thumbs up making him chuckle at my childish ways.  "How old are you kid...10?" He chuckled as I hoped off of my horse"Kid? Teba you know damn well I'm 19!"

I shot him a playful glare as he begins to start a fire. "19!? You sure don't act like it." He says as I point at him "Oh yeah, how old are you, Birdie?" I joke knowing well he is two years older then me. The White Rito looked at me as a faint smirk appearing on his face "Birdie?" He mocks "hehe, I'm 21, so as a matter of fact you are a kid to me." He looked back at the fire that he had started with a satisfied look.

I turned to our bags  and bring them closer to the trees as I began to take our sleeping bags out and place them under the trees. "Ok, but why use the nickname kid? We're both adults?" I say while putting my bow down. He looked at me for a split second until turning away to focus on the fire again. "I don't know...Kid fits your personality." He explains suddenly changing the atmosphere around us to a more....awkward mood.

I looked at him for a moment before crawling into my sleeping bag. "Hey, I'm gonna go to sleep...your sleeping bag is here so when you want to go to bed, you know where it is." I looked at Teba to see if he heard me just to catch him giving a faint nod. 'weird...why is he acting so different?' I lied down and closed my eyes welcoming sleep to take over my senses.

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