The cure

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Hello everyone! So it has been a while since I last updated this book and for good reasons however I will be doing my best to update again.

I hope you enjoy this new chapter.

Y/N's Pov

Opening my eyes I see myself starring at a sea of nothing, it was dark and cold and the worse part I was alone. Looking back the view of nothingness continues into darkness there was absolutely nothing. "T-teba" I weakly say as his name echo's around me. "Sidon, Riju, Yunobo" the names echo around me until silence engulfs me once again. Panicking I start to run in a random direction hoping praying to Hylia that I will run into someone anyone, I don't even care if it is a Lynel anything is better then being in this space of nothing. Finally after a while I stop and fall to the ground as the feeling of hopelessness starts to take over, feeling the stinging feeling of tears filling my eyes as the though of never seeing anyone ever again hits me like a bokoblin hitting me with a club. "I'm going to die here" The tears spill over as I sob on the floor.


"I didn't train you day after day for you to be sobbing on the floor" An arogenate voice echos. Shooting my head up off of the ground I see myself no longer in a void but Master Revali's hut with Master Revali with his arms crossed looking at me with a smug look. Pushing my self off of the ground I rush to him and launch myself into his chest wrapping my arms around his waist as he stumbles back from the sudden tackle hug. "" I hear Revali's voice turn into concern "Is everything alright?" I slowly look up at him as I feel my tears lessen "Y-yeah, I've never been better." I smile up at him as he smirks down at me.

"Well then enough with the water works, we have far more training to complete." He says as he begins to walk out of the hut before looking back at me "I won't go easy on you." With that he flies off into the sky probably off to our training area. Wiping my tears away I happily rush to get myself situated and rush off to where Revali is.

Teba's Pov

Watching the final things getting packed away as Sidon carries Y/N into the carriage with Mipha not far behind. "Perfect everything is going according to plan and we are on time for you to leave!"  Zelda excitedly says with Link next to her with a smile. "We should get to the Royal lab before the sun sets, then hopefully we can find the cure before..." Riju's voice fades off as we all look to the Carriage as a bright blue hue appears indicating to us that Sidon and Mipha have healed Y/N again. "We don't have that much time, we need to go now." I push as I start walking in the direction of the Royal Lab as Zelda shouts after me. "I've already informed Purah and Robbie of the situation!" I payed no attention to that sentence all I can do is hope that they have found a cure already and everything goes back to normal.

                                                                                      a very long Time Skip

After walking for 7 hours we finally made it to the Royal Lab Purah was outside with an bottle of black liquid. "Where are they?" she asks as I turn to the Carriage just as Sidon comes out with Y/N who has now black veins all over their legs and arms as sweat as beginning to roll do their face wetting their hair and cloths. I feel the inside of my stomach tighten just looking at how much pain they are in. Purah puts the vial up to their mouth and slowly pour the dark liquid, Y/N's face scrunches up as the last of the liquid disappears. Everyone looks at Y/N's frail body as they begin to curl up into the fetal position in Sidons arms.

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