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(A/N Hello my lovely readers little trigger warning in case you are sensitive to severe sickness & blood I would recommend skipping this chapter. {F/T=Favorite Tea F/O=Object you know something to describe your eyes}

No ones P.O.V

Queen Zelda and Link were tending to Sidon's wound as they waited for Teba, Riju, Yunobo, and the Guardian to return with Y/N. Link placed a clean towel onto Sidon's head as Queen Zelda paced the room slowly in worry. "I apologies for my recklessness." Sidon says as his head is hung low in shame.

Link with a worried expression moves his hands swiftly 'It's not your fault.' Sidon stared at Link with wide teary golden eyes as Zelda hobbles her way over to the two of them.

"Link is correct Prince Sidon, none of this is your fault." She places her soft hand onto his shoulder with a calm smile that would put the sun to shame. Shocked from the reassuring words from the Queen and Knight, Sidon wipes his teary eyes.

'Now, let's treat your wounds, Sidon.' Link signs as he places the medicine onto his head followed by bandages.  'You know 'Sidon.' Link signed grabbing Sidon's attention.

'Revali, practically raised Y/N in the two years they were together, she knows everything there is to protect herself.' He continued 'Even if Revali pretends to not care about Y/N's well being...he does care.' Link finishes smiling to himself.

Link's P.O.V

I smile to myself as I remember the first time I meet Y/N at the Flight Range. How cold it was with the wind blowing wildly as if the wind itself was Revali cursing me for coming into his home.


The wind threw me around as if I was a rage doll that was old as time itself. Finally catching sight of the Flight Range I made my way to the latter and shakily climbed up to see a young hylian girl with H/L H/C hair that glowed near the fire. Her eyes were a shining E/C that reminds me of F/O that stands out. They wore a F/S shirt/jacket with F/J pants that covered her S/C skin which was enough to keep her warm.

'I've never seen them here before?' I make my presents known as the young hylian turns to me. "Oh my Hylia! Sir it's freezing out there, come in before you catch a cold!" She rushed me in and place a fluffy blanket around me.

"Sir, would you like some tea?" She asked as I gave a slight nod at the offer. Pouring some hot water into a cup and placing a tea bag of F/T into it before handing it to me.

"Careful it's still hot." She warns as she feeds the fire more wood to keep us warm from the chilling storm outside. "So why did you come all the way out here, if I may ask?" She finally asks they dying question.

Signing to her she tilts her head as she watches my hands move with ease. "Oh! You're here to see Master Revali!" She exclaims as she makes her way over to an area of the Flight Range and comes back with a plate of sugar cubes.

"Master Revali went to survey the area before it gets too dark to see anything, however he should be back soon." I look at her in confusion '*Wait she knows Revali?*' I give my brightest smile as I give a thumbs up to her, sipping the tea as F/T fills my taste buds.

After ten minutes we hear wings flapping with a thud following afterwards "Y/N, I'm back." I hear the arrogant rito as he made his way into the Flight Range only to stop when he see's me. His facial expression changes from a soft look that was almost foreign to him to a hardened glare making him look like his normal self.

'*Odd never seen him like that before.*' I thought as he struts up to me "What do you want you sorry excuse of a Knight?" He demands as the hylian girl by the name Y/N watches on the side. Looking between me and Revali as I begin to sign to the stubborn rito.

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