Journey back

151 3 3

Y/N P.o.v

Darkness....darkness was the only thing that surrounded me as I sat alone with my thoughts as the fear and stress of being trapped here flooded my mind. Where even am I? Is this the hell that the goddess has put upon me? What had I done to deserve this? "Am I dead?" I thought aloud, if I'm dead how did I die? Was Revali there when it happened, was I with my friends, the champions......was Teba there when it happened? "My goddess you never stop over thinking." A soft voice spoke behind me.

Wiping my head around to face the mysterious voice I one. 'What the hell?' I thought as I start to look around and search for the owner of the angelic voice that had spoken. "Who's there!?!?!" I shout "Oh sweet sweet child, I do apologize for startling you." The soft voice spoke as a bright light begins to appear in front of me getting brighter and brighter until it begins to turn into a soft glow of a beautiful women.

I stare up in awe at the gorgeous woman as she smiles down at me with the same look a mother would give her newborn child, her gaze seemed as if it were a warm hug that has suddenly engulfed me and I am no longer alone or afraid of the void I am trapped in. "Who are you?" I breathed out as she chuckles at my question "That you do not have to worry about, however I am here to help you out of your current situation." She spoke as I look at her.

" I dead?" I shakily asked her which resulted in the women bursting out into laughter. "Oh goodness no little one, if that was the case I wouldn't be here helping you." She chuckled, "Thank Hylia." I sighed with relief, "Then what's happened?" I questioned, "You where attacked by a dark force that unfortunately took the form of one who had passed and you were critically injured, however, you are currently being healed. I'm here to help guide you into waking up." She explained

"Wait so I'm asleep right now, this is all just a weird fever dream?" I questioned as I begin to pace around. "Well you are in a comma the poison that was injected into you...." "Poison?" I cut her off with wide eyes "Yes poison little one, it took a toll on your body along with the fight so you are currently in a comma. However, it doesn't have to be a long one, but it is dependent on you accomplishing that." I continue to gaze at her as she begins to explain everything. 

Time Skip

"Of course the main thing you want to be able to do is give yourself a reason as to why you want to wake up." She finishes her agonizingly long speech. "My friends, Revali, the champions, and Teba!" I answer immediately. "Ok perfect, just think of memories or moments that are dear to you." She speaks softly once again as I close my eyes.

Flash back

"You're going to slow Teba!" I shout as I shield surf down the steep mountain down to the Flight range as Teba tries to catch up with me. "You cheated Y/n!" I hear Teba's distant yell as I see the outline of the Flight Range along with an extra silhouette there. "I did no such thing!" I shout back increasing the speed I was going. Coming to a stop at the I turn around to see Teba out of breath glaring at me with a not so serious look before pointing his feathered wing at me accusingly. "You completely cheated you skipped saying three and just went with no warning!" He says while pointing up the mountain we just came down from.

Hearing a chuckle Teba and I look up to see Master Revali staring down at us, "From my point I believe Y/N had won." He spoke as he comes down and ruffles my H/L hair and turns his attention to Teba, "Also Teba when Y/N plays dirty you must do the exact same thing." He spoke calmly with a playful grin towards me. "That won't help, I'll still win regardless if he plays just as dirty as me." I speak highly as I poke Teba's side earning an eyeroll from the white rito.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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