Regaining lost memories

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Teba and I stand on the bank of the river as the water rushes past us. Teba observes the terrain as he fly's up, grabbing his bow and readying his arrow as he releases it having it hit something immediately. Swooping down and grabbing it with his talons and throwing it onto shore. 'woah' I watch as Teba fly's back up into the sky to repeat the process.

'I never realized how attractive Teba is....' Shacking the thought I making my way into the water; I start for a boulder that is in the middle of the river. Fighting my way against the current I climb onto the bolder taking my bow and readying an arrow as I scan the water.

Seeing a bass I take aim, following the fish until I release the arrow watching as my target is hit perfectly. "YES!" I shout as I jump into the water to claim my victory. "That's it!" Teba says as he shoots his arrow making a direct hit once again as he swoops down.

I grab the arrow as I lift the fish out of the water and make my way back to the bank noticing that Teba had caught two more fishes. "Wow, good job, Birdie!" I shout up at him just as he is readying his arrow to shoot again. I put my fish next to his fish as I make my way back to the bolder and ready my bow. Just like old times I think to my self.

Time Skip

Teba shot his bow catching another fish, as he collects his bow along with the fish attached to it he looks over his shoulder towards me. "Let me know when you're ready to go." I nod as I ready my arrow lock my eyes onto my final fish that I was going to catch. Calming my breath I let my arrow fly as my arrow makes contact to its target.

Jumping into the water again to collect the fish I make my way back to where Teba was waiting for me. "Nice shot." He compliments as he continues to tie the fish that we caught together. I smile handing him the fish I had just caught to him so he can tie it with the others.

"Thanks!" I chirp with a closed eyed smile, opening my eyes again "I'm ready to head back." Teba looked at me as he stood up with the fish in his talons. "All right, get on." He bends down in front of me. "You want me to get onto your back?" I turns his head slightly so he is looking at me "It will be faster to fly then walking back to the cave." He says casually. Moving my arrow onto my back so it was comfortable I climb onto Teba's back being cautious of his bow so I don't push it into his back.

When I'm safely secured onto Teba's back he stands up "Hold on." He says as he shoots up into the sky using his updraft making me yelp wrapping my arms around his neck. Hearing him chuckle at my reaction he makes his way back to the cave. "You did that on purpose!" I shout accusingly at Teba.

"Did what on purpose?" He replies mockingly as he steady's his flight so I don't have to hold on so tightly with my arms. I say nothing; I silently pout at his obvious knowledge of the action he had done. "The silent treatment I see." He utters the smirk radiating off of his person. I continue to stay silent; I finally look at the scenery. "*gasp* Woah." I gawk at the view in front of me. "This is so beautiful."

Teba looks at the scenery as well as he hums in acknowledgment. "I must admit it is quite a view." I look down at Teba "Oh Hylia, is this what you see every time you fly?" I convey as I continue to take in the view of Hyrule in a new way. "I suppose so?" He replies as he scans the trees to see where the cave is. "Goddess, that is amazing. I would give anything to see a view like this any day, you must love it." I express as I watch the sun begin to descend behind the mountains.

"It get's rather...tedious after some time." He remarks. Causing me to look at the back of his head with my mouth a gape from what he had said. "No way! Really?" I eyeball the Rito's white hair as it flows with the wind. "How can you get tired of a view like this?" I signal to the height that we are in as I peer over the Rito's shoulder. Teba ceases from giving me a reply.

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