Returning to Rito Village

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(A/N F/S=favorite shirt F/P= favorite pants, but if you would like or prefer whatever clothing choice you like from the game)


Waking up the next morning I roll out of bed and put my F/S with F/P. I walk over to the desk across from the bed and begin to brush through my tangled H/L hair. Hearing a knock on the door I make my way over to it and open the door to see Teba in his Rito Warrior Armor. "Morning, Y/N." He says softly as he see's the outfit I'm wearing. "Good morning Teba!" I chirp happily as I head back into the room to collect my bag and bow.

Following Teba through the halls; without him looking towards me "We will be leaving Zora's Domain soon." We continue to walk through the hallway before seeing Sidon exit a room turning to us. "Ah Teba! Y/N! I was just about to come and retrieve you both!" He motions us to enter, upon entering we see Riju and Yunobo waiting for us as they stand upon our entrance.

Riju is the first to speak "Good morning, are you all ready to leave?" She asks with a sweet smile. With everyone agreeing we begin to make our way to the front gates of Zora's Domain. Looking over to see Teba kneel down so Riju can climb onto his back, I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy hit me like a Lynel charging at a person.

'What the heck?' I thought as I follow Sidon to the stream. "We will be able to get to Rito Village in a spans of a day, I am certain of it. Not only that it would also be more protected in the water. You can hop onto my back, however you will have to hold on tight as well as follow my every instruction I give." He instructs

I give a swift nod as I hop onto his back and wrap my arms around his neck. Just as Teba is about to create an updraft I notice him give a side eye to Sidon just as he takes off into the air with Riju screaming on his back. 'Why Teba seemed upset, is he...jealous?' I failed to notice Sidon diving into the water making me lurch forward to hold onto him as he instantly shooting through the water at record speed. Leaving Yunobo to stare in both directions before taking off in the direction of Goron City to speak with Daruk.

Time Skip

Speeding through the water I cling to Sidon as we past monsters and area's that took Teba and I three days to get too. Holding my breath every time Sidon told me to and ducking onto his back every time he went under something getting closer to Rito Village.

Sidon comes to a stop floating in the water as he takes in the sight of his surroundings. "At last we have arrived to Rito Village!" I look around to see the spot in the river I used to fish when I wasn't training with Revali. Slowly making our way to the shore I hope off of Sidons back as we make our way to Rito Village.

Time Skip

Teba P.O.V

"Teba you know you could of warned me when you were going to take off!" Riju lectures me as I continue to fly ignoring her. "Another thing why are you acting so different today, yes I understand you like to keep to yourself. But you should talk to us once in a while on how you are feeling." She presses on making me sigh at the attitude that I have been giving her since we left Zora's Domain. "...It's nothing Riju...I've just been thinking." I deadpan watch the land bellow us change from a lively green to a dry wasteland.

"About what?" Riju pushed. I stayed silent for a moment "It's not important." I state blankly feeling Riju's eyes burning in the back of my head. "Teba land over there!" Riju says while pointing to a Gerudo women on a rock sticking out of the ground near Gerudo Town.

Landing near the Gerudo women who was wearing a purple Traditional Gerudo outfit....upon closer inspection the Gerudo woman kind of looked like a man, we began to approach her. "Heeheehee" Approaching the women she notices us instantly "Oh, my. What a lovely Lady and handsome Rito you two are. Do you need something from me?" The women asks in a high pitch voice.

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