Hide and Seek

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(A/N Warning their will be mentions of stabbing and blood so if you are sensitive to that stuff I would recommend not reading the last part of this chapter. There will be a warning when the part comes up.)

Teba P.O.V

Seeing in the distance Hyrule Castle I begin to speed up in-case the others have already arrived and are waiting for Riju and I. Feeling Riju hold on to me tighter to ensure she doesn't go flying of my back when I decide to swoop down to land. "Is it possible that everyone has arrived at the castle already?" Riju asks as we continue to get closer to the castle. "...Possibly..." I say as I eye the castle getting flashes from when we first fought the Darkness of the Calamity.

Gazing below us I notice a certain Goron making his way in the direction of Hyrule Castle. "Hold on." I say "Wha-AAAAH!" I swoop down as Riju tightens her grip around my neck. The Goron looks up jumping at the sight of me and Riju heading straight for him. Landing gently next to him Riju stumbles off of my back as she sinks to the ground.

"W-when I-I said warn me, I didn't mean y-you saying "Hold on." Riju says while clinging to the ground. Yunobo switches between looking at me and Riju before asking. "So....what did Urbosa say?" Riju regaining her composer "Lady Urbosa, told us that it was more of a feeling between all the Champions." She says confidently "What about you Yunobo, what did Daruk say?" Riju asks him. "Same thing." He responds.

We all stood in silence before making our way to Hyrule Castle on foot together. 'I would like to call the emotion that you are experiencing to be...actually, I'll let you find that out on your own .' That sentence continues to repeat in my head as we get closer to Hyrule Castle. 'find out..' We continue in silence.

Arriving we see Queen Zelda with her Egg Guardian and Link waiting for us at the gates of the Castle. "Lady Riju, Yunobo, Teba, Welcome." Queen Zelda starts as Link silently greets us. We all bowed down to her before dismissing us. "Queen Zelda have Y/N and Sidon arrived yet?" Riju asked looking around. "No not yet, but I assure you they are most certainly to arrive very soon."  Signaling for all of us to enter the Castle we slowly make our way into the thrown room where Zelda shakily sits onto the thrown.

"What do you wish to ask?" She spoke with confidence as we all looked amongst our self's before stepping forward "We wish to understand how you along with the other Champion knew that Link was the chosen knight who would seal the Darkness." I say watching her think for a moment observing her as she lowers her hand and turns to Link with a soft gaze. "Link was by my side from the very beginning. When I first chose the Champions to faced the Calamity as one."

Link stiffens for a moment before a blush appeared amongst his cheeks. Redirecting her attention back to us she smiles softly. "I know that you too will get the feeling just as the Champions once had." Riju wide eyed slowly begins to open her mouth. "A-Actually....I did have this odd feeling when I first met Y/N." She stutters while looking between everyone in the room.

All of us turning to Riju as if we all had deja vu of some sort "Um...come to think of it, I too had a feeling the first time we met Y/N...but I wasn't quite sure of what it was." Yunobo says quietly with a hint of a shack to his rough voice. Come to think of it I too had an odd familiarity with Y/N when we first met, giving a slight glance at Link I realized who she reminded me of....Link. Having my eyes widen at the realization as we all begin to wrap our heads around the sudden thought of Y/N possibly being the next Knight.


We all turned to see an out of breathe Sidon with the side of his head bleeding. "Oh my Goddess, Sidon, What happened!" We all rushed to Sidon's aid as I look around to see if Y/N was with him, she was not. He didn't say anything with his eyes locked to the ground. ".....Yiga-clan." He says before shacking a bit "Y/N...she thought there was a traveler who was in need of assistance....however...we were wrong." A visible tear slipped down his face.

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