Our Journey Continues

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Slowly feeling myself stirring awake to see the sun slightly hidden behind the tree's of the woods. 'We are about a days away from Zora's Domain, so that means we should be in Tabahl Woods...I think.' I turn next to me noticing Teba still in a deep sleep along with H/N. Laying back down to attempt to catch more Z's before we continue to make our way towards Zora's Domain.

I stir around trying to find a comfortable position until I decided I couldn't go back to sleep. Standing while dusting myself off I picking my bow up and sneak my way out of the cave going for a morning stroll before the sun rises. Not long after I left the cave I stumbles across the river that Teba and I had fished from. 'It's been a good minute since I've washed myself.' Proceeding to strip from my cloths and removing my bow I setting them aside onto a near by rock.

Making my way between to rocks I submerge my body into the cold stream feeling my muscles relax beneath the flowing water. Closing my eyes I listen to the birds singing their morning tune as the sun peaks over the horizon splashing pink, blue, and purple into the sky.

Reopening my eyes I notice something pinkish/reddish on the other side of the river. Squinting I can clearly see that it is a fruit of some kind, unfortunately, I am unable to determine 'what' kind of fruit it is. Swiftly swimming across the river to get to the bush I begin to see the fruit more clearer the closer I get.

Finally I throw myself onto the bank sprinting to the fruit "Sweet!" I pick the fruit as I examine the obvious berry that I had found. "Wild Berries." I exclaim as I look around to see that I have found a small gathering of Wild Berries. Beginning to brainstorm I hatch the brilliant idea to pick as many as I can to bring back to the cave to make Teba his favorite breakfast before he wakes up. 'I'm a genius!' I praise myself as I begin to pick berry after berry.

Deciding I have pick a hefty amount of berries I set of to get back across the river, which was a bit of a challenge while carrying berries. Successfully getting across I place the berries into a bag and onto the grass, allowing me to retrieve my bow and cloths.

Sliding my armor on and throwing my bow across my shoulder I rush back to the berries. Marching back to the cave with my goodies as I get lost in thought 'I can make that one dish I accidentally made that tasted amazing that Teba and Harth liked!' I continue to brain storm ideas of what I can make with just Wild Berries.

Catching a glimpse of something blue in my peripheral vision I twirl around to see blueberries along with a bee hive above it. I feel my eyes bulge out of my head at the sight. "Ok....how in the name of Hylia am I going to do this." I stare intensely before getting an idea. Making my way around the hive I grab my bow and aim towards the hive; steadying my breathing I let go of the arrow and watch it make contact with the hive.

Ducking I listen to the bees fuse over their hive that has fallen into the bushes. After I few moments the buzzing stops, Peaking my head over the bushes to see the bees have left. Prancing over to the hive I pick it up along with a few blueberries tossing them into my bag. "Guess I'm making a fruit honey concoction."

I claim continuing my walk back to the cave. Slowly seeing the cave come into sight I notice Teba still fast asleep. 'Did he even sleep last night?' I ask myself as I place my bag with the goods next to the pit I gently place my bow next to my sleeping bag.

Quickly making a fire and tossing the ingredient into the pot I begin to stir them around leting them simmer. Hearing a shuffle to my right I look over to see Teba slowly waking up to the smell of berries and honey. Turning towards me he eyes the pot "...Morning." I chuckle at his feathers sticking in all different sorts of directions "Morning, nice bed head." I replay as he instantly pats down his feathers so he can make himself presentable.

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