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Teba's P.O.V

Revali who stood there starring at Y/N's weak form. "..." He slowly makes his way to the other side of the bed to get a better look at Y/N's state.Hearing his talons make soft clicks on the til floor before coming to a stop, he seems to freeze upon a closer look at the Hylian that he had  taught for years. Tearing his emerald eyes from Y/N, they lock with my yellow ones in a silent conversation. Turning at the same time to look at the Master Sword that is across the room we sit in silence.

"Tsk...I always had this....perspicacious." Master Revali began "The moment she stepped foot into the Flight Range, the light she reminded me of that bothersome 'hero' Link." He scoffed Links name as if it were poison dripping off his tough. Staying quiet I continue to listen to him.

"Obviously, I wanted nothing to do with a lowly Hylian. To me Y/N was just another Hylian who wanted to learn from a master archer such as myself." He boasts as I look at Y/N. "Except...She was nothing like the other Hylians that have pleaded for my help...she possessed a light that only Hylia herself would be able to create." Master Revali continues with a saddened expression. "Though I must admit, she can be quite troublesome at times....."

He look away from the sword to look at me again before closing his eyes and shacking his head "I can't help but think of her as my own." He confesses while starring at Y/N with a sad gaze that broke its way threw his hard exterior.

With wide eyes I watch Master Revali places his wing shakily onto Y/N's fluffy H/C hair while a tear escapes his eyes. "Teba, I am placing my trust in you once again..." He looks up at me with a auspicious gaze.

Feeling myself get the swelling feeling in my chest once again I come to a realization to what I've been feeling.


I was walking threw Rito Village with Harth to get bomb arrows for a quick trip around the village to clear out any monsters that may pose a possible threat to the village. Walking past children playing, Rito's trading, as the sun flies high in the sky, a perfect day to scout the area.

"Monster sightings have increased since the last time you and I have scouted." Harth states breaking the silence between the two Rito. "They never seem to go away, huh?" Looking at Harth for a moment " Rito warriors, we can never rest until our people are safe." I say with a stone cold expression making Harth sigh.

"Teba, as much as I agree with you. To keep our people safe we need to be at full health." He says turning to me with a serious yet calming look. Not looking at him we enter the shop to collect arrows along with regular arrows.

Walking over to Nekk with the arrows he smiles "That will cost 550 rupees!" Handing him the rupees we walk in the direction to the elder Kaneli in silence. The sound of our feet hitting the wooden planks as we pass huts before finally making it to the Elders quarters.

Upon entering we see Y/N and Verla discussing something with the Elder turning towards us upon our arrival the Elder speaks. "Oh ho, Teba, Harth, what wonderful timing!" He says while turning to Y/N "Now then, Y/N would you be able to company Verla in a scout around the area?" "Of course!" Y/N says enthusiastically sprinting past Harth and I with Verla, "Bye guys!" Y/N shouts to us before departing.

Observing Kaneli's warm smile he starts "Teba, Harth, you two will be scouting the West wing of Rito Village." He says as Harth and I nod understanding the assignment that had been given. 

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