Chapter 4: Government Puppet

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''Jesus, Nat. Have fun last night?'' 

Katya stood in front of the mirror, staring at her body. She didn't mean to, but on her way to the shower, she had caught her own reflection. She counted at least five hickeys, all on her stomach. At least they were out of sight. Her thighs weren't bruised, but they were a bit sore where Natasha dug her fingers into them.

''I have no idea what you're talking about,'' she innocently replied from the bedroom. She had already brought Maya to school and left Katya to sleep in, which she appreciated. 

To make a point, Katya stepped into the bedroom, hands on her hips. Natasha looked her up and down shamelessly, not even trying to hide the smirk growing on her lips. ''I don't see the problem. You look beautiful.''

Katya rolled her eyes. ''You're impossible.'' She turned back to the bathroom, brushing her short hair to get the knots out. She needed to dye it again. Desperately. But going into town was too much of an effort.

''Last night you said I was amazing,'' Natasha called after her. For some reason, she had come back to the bed after dropping Maya off, picking up the book on her bedside table and reading it with her back against the headrest. She had read more books in five months than in the five years before. It surprised Katya that she had the patience for them.

''It differs per minute,'' Katya responded, turning on the shower and loving how it relaxed her muscles. She tried to think of something to do today. Was there something to fix in the house? Oh wait, maybe they could start with the preparations for Maya's birthday party. It needed to be good. Not for them, but for her. She deserved to be spoiled after having nothing since the Snap.

Mornings like these were peaceful, slow. Waking up without any pressure, showering long, eating breakfast on the porch if the weather was nice, throw in a workout if you felt like it. No missions, no yelling Tony Stark in the hallways. Silence.

Katya turned the shower off when her phone rung on her bedside table. ''Can you get it?'' she yelled to Natasha. The sound stopped, so she suspected she picked it up. Wrapping a towel around her body, she was about to step out the shower when she heard Natasha mumble something under her breath.

''Oh my god.'' She couldn't believe her eyes, the TV in their bedroom displaying the news. ''Kat, you need to see this.''

Her tone of voice was enough for Katya to forget all about the water dripping from her hair and legs and to step into the bedroom, finding a shocked Natasha on the foot end of the bed. Katya followed her line of sight, her breath hitching in her throat.

The same Senator who thanked Sam excessively for doing the right thing by giving Steve's shield to the museum, now proudly stood behind a pulpit with the logo of the Department of Defense. She knew what he was going to say, the minute she saw him and all the military men around him.

''While we love heroes who put their lives on the line to defend Earth, we also need a hero to defend this country.''

With her eyes glued to the screen, Katya sat next to her wife, shortly sharing a knowing look with her. The Senator's first words included both of them, too. Although not anymore.

''We need a real person who embodies America's greatest values. We need someone to inspire us again, someone who can be a symbol for all of us.'' The Senator's loud words boomed through the once so peaceful room. 

Katya knew where this was going, exactly who he described, but she refused to accept it yet. Her heartbeat quickened and Natasha clenched her jaw together in anger. 

''So, on behalf of the Department of Defense and our Commander-in-Chief, it is with great honor that we announce here today that the United States of America has a new hero. Join me in welcoming your new Captain America!''

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