Chapter 46: Two Sides Of The Same Coin

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Maya thought back to when Natasha put her on the plane. That slight hint of guilt and sadness in her eyes that she tried to hide, painting enthusiasm and a smile on her face to not worry her daughter. How she told her not to think about Kat and enjoy her week at Clint's.

Which is what Maya tried. Although it was hard to forget how sad and pained her mom looked when they said goodbye in her bedroom. A look she knew all too well from when Katya came to visit at the orphanage. 

Maya was dizzy with everything Natasha told her about Katya's uncle, and Antonia. Her aunt. Another one. She went from having no family to having so, so, much family.

Of course, she was dying to meet Antonia, but she understood it was too hard for her mom to see her yet. It would happen eventually. Thinking about that Russia trip had excited butterflies bubbling in her stomach, though.

''Hey kid! We're five minutes out. So get your stuff together.''

Right, the Stark yet. It was more luxury and richness than Maya had ever seen together, sinking away so far in her comfortable leather chair she thought she was

FRIDAY was hilarious and good company on the two-hour flight which otherwise would have been boring on her own.

Happy was new to her, and she usually got shy and nervous meeting new people, but when she heard he worked with Peter and even did a mission with her Mama more than a decade ago, she knew she could trust him.

Meeting her cousins though, that was very nerve-wrecking.

With shaky legs - Happy trailing after her with her heavy bag - she treaded down the small steps of the jet, seeing the entire family approaching her from the Barton family home.

She would have liked to hide behind one of her moms, all those eyes on her very scary, but Laura smiled kindly and was the first to greet her in the middle of the huge grass field that surrounded the property.

''Maya. So nice to finally meet you. We're so happy you're here.''

Happy handed Clint the heavy bag and disappeared without a word, not a man for emotional reunions.

''Thank you. Hi, everyone.'' She gave a small wave, cheeks red from all the attention. ''I had to say hello from Nat and Kat as well.''

''That's sweet of them. I'll call them in a bit.'' Laura did her best to assure Maya, sensing how nervous she was. Luckily, Natasha had warned her about her daughter's shy nature, promising she'd come alive in a few hours. ''Guys, this is Maya.'' She gestured to her kids, who all smiled just as kindly. ''This is Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel.''

Lila perked up, her wide smile revealing her braces. ''Hi! I'm so happy you're here. We finally have equal boys and girls in the house now.''

Maya couldn't help but smile along, eyes wide as she watched the other girl. She felt... warm, and a surge of excitement for the coming week shot through her. Being an only child was fun, especially when both her parents loved her and spoiled her to death, but after five years of living with so many other kids, it could get lonely. 

So, being at Clint's with three other kids was a nice change. Although she'd probably long for quiet at the end of the week.

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