Chapter 8: Don't Get Into Planes With Strangers

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Katya got herself together, doing exactly what Natasha told her to: taking it one step at a time. And so for now that meant following Zemo wherever he wanted them. It did not feel right to put her life in his hands, but he was the only lead they had. 

She paid no attention to all the ancient cars she passed when she got to Sam, since he was kinda her only friend in this situation. ''All good?'' he asked genuinely, noticing the faint frown on her forehead that she didn't manage to smooth out.

''Define 'good','' she muttered back, arms crossed and watching Zemo wander around the room. It was worrying how targeted he bounced from car to car, collecting stuff along the way while he talked. Like he hadn't been in a cell for years. 

''These are mine. Collected by family over the generations.'' He had stopped by a yellow convertible, collecting some things from the backseat. ''I spent years hunting people HYDRA recruited to recreate the serum. Because once it's out there, someone can create an army of people... like the Avengers.'' His jab was meant for both Sam and Katya, but they weren't impressed. And he was also kinda right. ''I ended the Winter Soldier program once before. I have no intention to leave my work unfinished.''

''What a comfort,'' she mumbled to Sam, who hummed in agreement. Bucky had only glanced at her once after getting off the phone, feeling how mad she was at him. Or maybe 'mad' wasn't the right word. More hurt and disappointed. 

''To do this, we'll have to scale a ladder of lowlifes.'' Zemo slammed the door shut after throwing some things into a bag, hanging a long coat over his arm. Apparently he had another car in mind to drive because he walked away, not looking back. 

''Well, join the party. We've already started,'' Sam called after him sarcastically, causing Katya to chuckle. But Zemo's steps didn't falter at all. He wasn't the kind of man who let others get under his skin easily.

''First stop is a woman named Selby,'' he answered over his shoulder, expecting them to just follow. ''Mid-level fence I still have a line on. From there, we climb.''

Katya knew they were about to fall into dark circles of people, criminals. Exactly the scene she had ditched years before. Please, let there be no more old acquaintances and foes to run into. Dealing with Zemo gave enough stress already. 

She straight-up refused to sit in the passenger's seat of another convertible Zemo pulled up in, so she forced Bucky to. He tried sending her apologetic looks, but she just watched the city fly by through the window. His apologies didn't mean anything to her. Even if somewhere in the back of her head, she understood why he did all this. 

She thought about jumping out of the car, going against Natasha's advice, and letting the men handle it themselves. But this couldn't end as badly as it did last time, it simply couldn't, she had to make sure of it. Besides, it was already done, she was already a criminal. Who knows, maybe local police were already knocking on her front door.

God, she hated how Natasha was influenced by all this too. Everything Katya did, had consequences for her. And even though she had given her the go-ahead, that didn't make the guilt dissolve.


After Katya's taxi phone call


Natasha still wasn't used to that word. It made her heart jump just as much as when Katya told her she loved her. It felt surreal, like a dream. How did she get so blessed? 

She looked up from the spot on the coffee table she stared at. After Katya called to let them know she landed safely in Berlin, Natasha found herself unable to think about anything else but the worry she felt. Katya had that gut feeling that was never wrong, and Natasha swore she felt it in her own stomach now, too. Swirling restlessly.

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