Chapter 14: The Mysterious Candy Bribe

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The plane landed in Latvia two hours later, Katya checking the gun she still had from Madripoor. 

From being teammates with Steve for years, she knew a gun wouldn't do a whole lot against a supersoldier, but it made her feel better to have some sort of protection. Maybe she could do more damage with the knives hidden everywhere. All those training rounds against Steve would come in handy against Karli and her crew.

During the awfully long plane ride, she also got enough rest to feel more energized. At least enough to fight if necessary. Only when it was absolutely necessary.

That might seem weird, a soldier who avoided a fight if possible, but Katya had always been a spy first. And spies did everything they could to bullshit their way out of situations, anything to avoid breaking cover and fight. So this suited her better anyway.

The sky was blue and the sun hit their faces when they stepped out of the jet, and for some reason, Katya was highly aware that Russia was very close. Across the world, she felt a lot better. 

Zemo being rich, he took them to a nice part of town, walking with a spring in his step and talking like he was without a care in the world, gesturing widely. More and more, he started to get on Katya's nerves. But for the sake of the mission, she stayed quiet and out of his way and pushed all the anger towards him aside.

''I heard what became of Sokovia. Cannibalized by its neighbors before the land was cleared of rubble, erased from the map. I don't suppose any of you bothered visiting the memorial?'' Everyone stayed silent. They hadn't. But in their defense, they were kinda busy. ''Of course not. Why would you?''

He stopped in front of a cafe. Next to it were black gated doors, undoubtedly leading to an expensive apartment. ''We are here.'' At least he hadn't lied about having a place here.

Bucky had already subtly lingered in the back of the group, but now he fully stopped. Katya looked at him questioningly. He appeared uneasy and like he was hiding something. ''I'm gonna go on a walk,'' he announced casually, his hands in his jacket pockets. He walked like that a lot; she had noticed. Probably to hide his metal arm, despite him wearing gloves all the time. 

Confused, Sam turned around. ''You good?''

''Yeah. I'll see you guys in a bit.'' He avoided Katya's eyes and walked off slowly, causing her to narrow her eyes at him in suspicion. He lied, but why, she had no clue.

''Should I...'' she gestured at Bucky's retreating back. Letting him leave in an unknown city while also struggling with himself this whole trip didn't feel right. But he could handle himself.

Sam shook his head. ''Just give him a minute.''

She did as he said, letting Bucky leave without following him. Something else was going on, but they just had to trust him to tell them what.

Hesitantly, she trailed after Sam, stepping into another unfamiliar apartment for the second time this week. It was still unclear why Zemo helped them like he did. They didn't have to force him to say or do anything, and he happily lend them his plane and apartment. 

Like Sharon's, this apartment was big, open and light. But it was much more antique, with stained glass, patterned floors and elegant decorations. Everything screamed expensive, so Katya sat down on the most normal part of the furniture; the bar stool at the kitchen island, shrugging off her jacket to reveal her scar-littered shoulders and arms.

Sam apparently thought the same thing and joined her, asking Zemo for a laptop, which he eventually gave before announcing he was going to take a shower. Katya scrunched her nose as an answer and watched as he disappeared into the bathroom, letting out a breath she didn't know she had been holding in. Always being on edge around the guy was exhausting.

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