Chapter 94: Mommy? Sorry.

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I think I need to stop putting warnings at the top of every chapter about how long they are, because they're long every time. But that does mean there's more for you to read! This chapter is mostly chaos (and not proof-read again) but enjoy!

July 21, 2024

Katya flicked the lights off in the bathroom, tossing the towel she had used to wash her hands, blindly into the darkness. That could be picked up later, when her legs weren't so weak, and her arms not so sore. But she felt so good.

Baring all – literally – and sharing intimate time with Natasha where shame was nowhere to be found and inhibitions were far gone, always led to a deeper state of comfort with each other. Sure, they changed in front of each other, showered together, no problem. But after sex, where they bared themselves on a whole other level, did Katya find that she felt most carefree in her most vulnerable state.

"And? What did you think of my masterpiece?" Natasha asked without ever taking her eyes off her phone screen. She clearly felt the same way Katya did, sitting naked on top of the sheets, back against the headboard, one knee slightly bent, exposed for all to see.

The ceiling fan whirred around softly, attempting to dry the light layer of sweat on her body and stuck to her hair. It did its best, but the air was humid, and the sun stood high in the sky, burning onto the roof, and opening the window would only make it worse. They made a mental note not to do this in the middle of the day again.

Katya brought her hands up to her hair, tying it up messily but somehow achieving a neater appearance. And with her chin on her chest, she had a perfect view of the spotted skin Natasha referenced to as her "masterpiece".

"Good use of color, love the different shades of red and purple... but minus points for using the whole canvas!" She exclaimed, letting her hands fall to her thighs with a loud smack. The skin under her palms jiggled slightly. "Why the hell did you make it so obvious?! It's summer! I'll be wearing a bikini in a week! Maya will be asking questions!"

Her outburst did absolutely not phase Natasha whatsoever. She kept scrolling on her phone, shrugging, but the humor dancing in her eyes said that she knew Katya didn't care. Not truly. "You said to mark you, and I did."

"Yes, some marks!"

She'd almost gotten a heart attack, looking in the mirror just now. She should have known that Natasha would take the assignment of marking her chest very seriously, but did each boob really need five marks? Given, it was hot, but also embarrassing, knowing they wouldn't have faded enough in a week and the kids would definitely know something suspicious had happened.

"You gave me no other instructions, so it's entirely your fault."

Katya flung her hands in the air. "You were supposed to use your own common sense! Now I look like a sl–" She cut herself off when Natasha chuckled silently at whatever was on her phone, and let her face fall. "You're not listening. Look at me!''

''I know where I put them," Natasha responded calmly, though she did finally take a look, her green eyes checking out Katya's chest for a long moment. "I really don't see the problem. You look as beautiful as ever.'' Her gaze drifted back to her phone immediately, that dumb little smile returning. If Katya didn't know any better, she'd think it was a mistress texting her.

The brunette rolled her eyes, ignoring the way her heart swelled at the honest compliment. ''Of course, you would say that. What are you even doing that requires all your attention?" Natasha rarely had such bad manners in conversation, let alone treat her phone as something she actually cared about instead of a means to an end. She was usually also very clingy after sex.

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