Chapter 50: Spooktober (Part 1)

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Small disclaimer: Peter's gonna be in this chapter, and not everyone has seen the new movie yet (including me) so can we agree to not put any spoilers in the comments? Therefore, I also have no idea what happened in the movie, so nothing in this chapter refers to it :) 



Another month had passed. The phone calls continued, and Natasha found herself looking forward to them as one of the best moments of her week. Her bond with Maya was back to normal, and although she was occasionally sad, she could think of Katya without her stomach dropping. 

She'd just have to have patience for a while and trust the process. So, she started looking forward to the day Katya came back instead of sulking over the fact that she wasn't here. Together with Maya, they planned lots of things to do when that happy day arrived. It definitely involved lots of hugging and relaxing.

Construction on the garage started the first of October, which meant they lived in construction noise for a while, but Natasha doubled the payment so they would get an extra crew in to speed up the process. The day it was finished was the only day she touched the McLaren, backing it into the new garage before leaving it there for its rightful owner.

While life was slow for her, it wasn't for Maya, who had enough school, homework, and soccer to fill an entire lifetime. But they found time for each other, they always did. And on one of the Saturdays they were both home, Natasha reminded Maya of the first upcoming holiday.

''Do you want to go trick-or-treating this year?''

They were having a lazy day in, with movies and snacks. Both introverts, they loved the silence and not having to talk to each other to enjoy the company. So, Maya had cuddled into her side, head against her shoulder, chewing on her chips. But at the question, she looked away from the TV, and up to her mom, furrowing her eyebrows in slight confusion. ''With you?''

Natasha pulled a hurt face. ''Oof, I don't like the way you said that. Like I'm a boring, old person.''

''No,'' Maya laughed, climbing on her lap like Katya always did, playing with the necklace around Natasha's neck. ''I meant; just the two of us?''

Natasha hummed, holding her daughter close. This would be their first Halloween together, and she couldn't wait to experience more of those firsts. ''That's possible. Or you invite some other people to come along. Peter, Morgan, the Barton kids, or someone from school or soccer. But it's your choice.'' She'd be fine with whatever.

''Peter,'' Maya blurted out. Where Clint's kids were her cousins, she saw Peter like a big brother. His enthusiasm, energy, kindness, that's what she wanted to be surrounded with more often. He was great with her, and Natasha couldn't ignore how wide Maya's smile was every time she picked her up from his apartment.

But still, she was hesitant to accept only his company. Shouldn't Maya take a bunch of her friends from her own age and enjoy trick-or-treating with them? ''Peter? Just him?'' Natasha squinted, trying to read her face. But Maya nodded enthusiastically, so who was she to say no? ''Okay,'' she smiled, playing with Maya's beautiful red locks.

''Maybe he could just wear his suit,'' Maya wondered, all the while playing with the birthstone around Natasha's neck. Wouldn't that be cool? She'd forever be known as the girl who knows Spider-Man. 

An adoring smile curled on Natasha's lips. ''That, my dear, I think is too tricky.'' A suit wasn't a prop, it never was. It's not something you put on for fun, but rather when forced to. She gently tipped Maya's chin up when she pouted. ''But you can call him and co-ordinate outfits? Maybe he has some fun ideas.'' 

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