Chapter 103: Slow Dancing And Speeches

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I dislike this chapter with all my heart, but there are some cute moments if you squint. Also, I wrote the beginning of this before the whole Taylor breakup rumor so it didn't age well :) But enjoy this mess!


''I cannot believe we let our daughter bully us into picking Taylor Swift.'' The words were muttered into Natasha's ear, perfectly audible in between the soft notes of Lover.

The song was, admittedly, not their first pick to accompany their first dance, but Maya kept insisting how perfect it was and Natasha eventually gave in with the knowledge that the chosen song didn't really matter anyway. To be completely honest, she was barely aware of it as it resonated through the yard. Because Katya was in her arms, warm, nice-smelling, and soft as ever, chin resting on her shoulder.

Occasionally, the brunette would press a kiss to it, or to the side of her neck, only to bury her face into it immediately after. The hundred people watching from the sidelines like a spotlight had been placed on the couple made her incredibly uncomfortable, but Natasha didn't notice them—as long as she didn't look up, anyway. So she took it upon herself to shield her wife from them, wrapping her arms around her tightly.

"Me neither.'' She chuckled.

Katya pulled her head back, her eyes containing a teasing sparkle as they stared into hers, inches apart. ''Really? How about that pout of hers you cannot resist? Yeah, she learned that from me. You're soft for it, darling.''

Natasha ignored the burning of her cheeks when she realized that may have influenced her resolve, pursing her lips and narrowing her eyes instead. Her family knew the right way to play her. Unnoticeable, it seemed.

"Stop pushing my buttons," she grumbled, pretending to hate the joyful laughter Katya let out and the hint of pride in the blue of her eyes.

Katya's lips lifted in a small smirk, her warm palms sliding to the sides of her wife's neck. "No, can't do," she mumbled, pulling her forward into a delicate kiss one hundred percent meant to distract her and forget about this.

Natasha hated that it worked.

And hated the amused chuckle Katya let out when she, too, realized it worked, feeling Natasha melt against her.

That didn't stop the redhead from chasing her lips after she pulled away, though, feeling her laugh more than hearing it. But Natasha decided that she didn't mind having her buttons pushed if it ended like this, with pear-flavored chapstick lingering on her mouth and the sound of Katya's laugh in her ears.

''You know, we should have done something crazy for this, rehearse some choreography,'' she said, allowing her hands to slide lower on Katya's back, a tad possessive.

What they were doing could barely be considered dancing at this point. It looked more like a clumsy high school slow dance, the way they swayed back and forth in one place, only moving their feet inches at a time. A disgrace for the dance talent they both had in them, but Natasha blamed Katya for captivating her to the point where there was no space left in her brain to think about moving.

Katya's eyes lit up, her celebratory smugness fading into excitement. ''The dance from Dirty Dancing?'' She perked up, her fingers linking together behind Natasha's neck once more.

And with one sentence, Natasha was thrown back to the first time she ever saw that movie, all the way back in her very early years of dating Katya. She hated it, thought it belonged together with Grease in a list of anti-feminist movies, but the dancing scene was iconic, as she'd grown to learn, and the thought of ever nailing it sounded appealing.

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