Chapter 119: A Baby Deranges The Romanoff-Petrova Household

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October 2, 2028

''Okay, everything he needs should be in these bags. Diapers, clothes, toys, blankets, towels, enough milk,'' Jordyn said as her boyfriend Ben handed Katya the overnight bags. She sounded exactly how Katya expected a new mother to sound as she prepared to leave her child in the care of someone else for the first time since giving birth; incredibly anxious. ''If he gets restless, he loves to be swayed as you walk around. And he doesn't like to be put on his right side.''

''And, strangely, he calms down if you play Uptown Girl from Billy Joel,'' Ben added with a smile. ''That is probably my fault.''

''It's true. But it's not the worst song to listen to on repeat.'' Jordyn longingly stared at her baby boy as he took the world in with those wide blue eyes of his, sitting in his car seat that dangled from Natasha's arm. It's a good thing the redhead had a tight grip on it, because Jordyn looked ready to snatch her son back and run.

She and Ben were going on a two-day trip out of town, just the two of them, and they asked the Russians to take care of their son Elias while they did. Katya completely understood their need for a little break. Raising a baby was a full-time job. 24/7, day and night, week after week. He consumed all their time and energy, no pauses. And after nearly four months of it, they were absolutely drained, the dark circles under their eyes so obvious that Katya suspected they were just going to sleep for forty-eight hours.

''Don't worry,'' Natasha reassured Jordyn with the softest smile in her arsenal. ''I've been around for all three of Clint's kids. I know how to take care of a baby.''

''It's not you I'm worried about.''

Three pairs of eyes turned Katya's way, all shimmering with amusement. It took her a minute to understand why they were looking at her like that, but then her lips parted. ''What, me? I take offense!'' She exclaimed with indignation. ''I'm so good with babies. Babies love me.''

''You're looking at him like you don't know what to do with him already,'' Natasha joked.

''What? That's crazy.'' Katya scoffed, her voice high-pitched. ''I have so many plans. So many fun things we can do. Isn't that right, Elias?'' A big smile appeared on his face when she crouched down in front of him, his little feet flailing around happily. She playfully poked his tummy, absolutely adoring him. ''Yes, you love me.''

Natasha rolled her eyes, unimpressed. ''He better not steal my girl or he'll never cross the threshold of this house again,'' she told Ben and Jordyn.

Katya slowly looked up at her, pulling up an eyebrow. ''Are you already jealous that you have to share my attention with someone else?''

The redhead scoffed weakly, averting her gaze. ''I'm not that pathetic.''

She frowned when Katya laughed. Apparently, she sounded as unconvincing as it felt. Natasha did not do well with sharing, and they both knew that. First it was Maya, and now Elias. She was going to boycott her own wife if things continued like this.

''We got this. Go, enjoy your trip.'' Quickly, she ushered Jordyn and Ben out of the house, maybe, possibly, definitely, hitting Katya in the head with the car seat as a warning to not continue this conversation.

Jordyn slowly backed out of the house, hesitant to leave her baby. ''If anything is wrong, or if he won't stop crying—''

''We'll call. Don't worry, I'm cool-headed," Natasha assured. Her use of a single form was not missed by Katya, who threw her a glare for it. ''I solemnly swear he will be alive and whole when you come to pick him up tomorrow evening."

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