Chapter 97: Cold Hard Reality Called

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I'm back! This isn't proof-read so there are probably mistakes, but I really wanted to get it out today. Enjoy!

August 15, 2024

Heat can feel different depending on where you are. It's something Katya had forgotten until she got to experience a heatwave in Italy versus the one back home. New York was sweaty, humid, and made her want to bury herself in her freezer. But work was waiting for her, so there was no time for a burial today.

Summer vacation had flown by way too fast. They'd come back from Italy a week ago. Tan – Katya at least – relaxed, and full of energy to start the new school year. Luckily, that was still a bit away, since Maya still had her mind back in Italy, but everyone felt the end of summer get near. Katya couldn't wait for fall.

"What if she thinks it's weird?" She heard her daughter say as she treaded down the stairs. It sounded like it came from the kitchen, more so the center of this house.

"She gave you her address, so I bet she wants you to write to her."

"But it's only been a week. I don't want to be clingy."

Silently, she stepped into the kitchen, her suspicions confirmed when she saw Maya sitting at the kitchen island, Jordyn beside her. She had a pen in her hand and a notebook in front of her, open on an empty page. But she didn't look ready to write, resting her cheek in her palm with her brows tightly furrowed as she voiced her doubts to her sister, who did her best to take them away.

''Imagine the roles reversed. You'd love getting a letter from her, wouldn't you?'' Jordyn questioned, spotting Katya first and sending her a brief good morning nod. Somehow, they'd missed each other during their morning routines, only meeting up now, at ten o'clock.

''Yeah, but–''

"Little Red, you're overthinking it. I agree with– who are you again?"

Only now, as she went around the kitchen to prepare a smoothie, did Katya see the phone propped up against the pot of peanut butter, her one and only sister-in-law's face filling the screen. It didn't appear Yelena had spotted her, though, as she was too busy narrowing her eyes at the – for her – strange blonde sitting next to her favorite niece. If looks could kill, Jordyn would be squirming on the ground.

"Don't be rude," Maya told her aunt off, strictly, and that glare on her face definitely came from her Mama. It would make many people shake in the future like Natasha had done so many times. For a small, innocent looking girl, it was a powerful weapon.

"What? I'm not being rude. I don't trust strangers," Yelena defended herself strongly, frowning at the accusations.

"Jo's not a stranger," Maya insisted.

It stayed quiet on the other side, like a standoff was happening. And anytime Yelena didn't have an immediate comeback, it usually meant she admitted defeat, even though she would totally go into an argument with an eleven-year-old. "Do you need me to translate or not? It's been fifteen minutes and I still have not said a word of Italian."

"Can you even speak it?"

Katya almost choked on her water at Maya's rapid response, the sly gleam in her eyes showing that she knew exactly what she'd said. But what did she expect from a girl who lived with two sassy mothers that liked to bicker with each other in hopes of outsmarting the other? Yelena's face must be priceless.

"Now look who's being rude."

Maya smiled smugly, leaning back on her stool. Catching her aunt off guard. Check. She didn't even protest when Katya snatched the - Natasha's - phone and held it in front of her own face, cocking an eyebrow. "Be nice to Maya or I'm hanging up.''

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