The day before it all happened

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June 30 2020:

J: BABY STOP! *i laugh so hard as she's tickling me*

N: finneeee I'll stop.

*I sit up and put her on my lap*

J: I love you, you know that right?

*she looks down and tears up*

J: hey hey what wrong?


J: do you not love me?

N: of course I love you it's just I- it's nothing...

N: are you ready to go back to college?

J: that's what this is about, baby I told you I would visit you. Birthdays, holidays, and weekends I'll come down I promise you.

*she nods and digs her head into my chest*

J: I love you *i whisper*

N: I love you too.

*I kiss her and we make out I lay her down and get on top of her and slowly take off her shirt but she pulls it down*

J: still not ready?

*she shakes her head*

N: I'm sorry-

J: shhh. You, have NOTHING to be sorry about. I love you and I don't want to take advantage of you. It's your body.

N: thank you.

*yes me and ness have had sex before but she got raped 7 months ago so she's scared to do it again man I miss her blow jo- sorry but it's her body and her choose if she doesn't feel comfortable then we don't have to do it. I wonder if oral sex is still an option?*

J: babe?

N: yea?

J: ca-can we have oral sex?

N: I- I don't know...sure?

J: are you sure?

N: yea it's fine.

*I can feel my smile grow ugh I can't wait to feel her lips wrapped around my coc- long thing again*

*I kiss her and lift up her shirt a little bit to get more access. She nods and I take it off. Soon we both have all our clothes off and she gets on her knees, then grabs my dick and without doing anything sticks the whole thing in her mouth and starts sucking*

J: ugh fuck your so good at this baby.

*i push her head down further and she gags a little bit i chuckle and pick her up so she's siting on my lap and I look at her*

J: are you sure?

N: yes. I'm ready

*i line myself up and lift her on my dick then she sits down. I groan so loud I missed this. I lay down and she starts bouncing really fast and we both are a moaning mess*

J: ugh fuck

N: ugh Jae

*I throw my head back in pleasure and scream cuss words*

J: can I make you scream my name?

N: which name? Jae, Jaden, baby, babe-

J: daddy.

N: daddy? No because that's gross butttttt Jae is a good screaming name...

J: fine, I forgot you hated daddy.

N: true. But you have your tour for college tomorrow and I'm coming so I need to go.

J: am I still picking you up tomorrow?

N: yea. I love you bye.

*she kisses me but I pull her back and we make out for like 10 secs*

N: ok I really need to leave Jae

J: ok I love you byeeee

N: goodbye...

Soon did I know that that 'I love you' was the last...

Sincerely, Ness |J.H|Where stories live. Discover now