Entry 1 (first met)

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Dear diary,
I met this boy today his names Jaden, Jaden Hossler. Look I'm only 9 and I don't know a lot about love but just the way we looked at each other I knew that he was one. Anyways how we met...it's kinda embarrassing. I was walking to the bus stop and I tripped on a rock, twisted my ankle and fell lucky he was there to catch me or else I would have more then a broken foot right now. It's not the best way to start off the school year at a new school but I think meeting him was worth it in the end. We are in the same class and we sat next to each other. He took me to the nurse when we go to school. I had to walk all day with a broken foot because I refused to leave. But instead of the bus Jaden carried me home. I can't wait for my new friendship with him whatever type of friendship it will be.


*I remember that day. It was my first day of 5th grade. I start having flashbacks again*

Flashback 💭

*I was walking to the bus when I see a girl trip I run as fast as I can and catch her before she falls she starts limping*

J: you ok?

N: not really but I will be. Thanks...

J: hey I haven't seen you anywhere are you new?

N: um yea this is my first year going here.

J: well your gonna love it. Can I have your number? I know it sounds weird but I just-

N: it's fine my numbers ***-***-****

J: thanks. *I see the bus* oh the bus is here. You want to sit next to me?

N: sure!

*we get on the bus and sit down*

J: hey I never got your name...

N: Janesa Barrett but I like to be called Nessa.

J: well that's a very beautiful name. I'm Jaden, Jaden Hossler. So how old are you?

N: 9 I'm going into 3rd grade. How about you?

J: 11 going into 5th grade.

N: can we be best friends?

J: I would like that.

*we both smile and I blush a little she might be in 3rd grade but she's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.*

J: your cute you know...

N: why thank you.

*we laugh I think she thinks I was joking around but I wasn't she perfect. As she says that we are getting off the bus*

J: want me to take you to the office?

N: would you mind?

J: not at all. Let's go.

*I accidentally hold her hand but let go really quiet but she grabs my hand again and I blush*

*once we arrive to the office I wait for her outside while she get her class and stuff then once she gets out i walk her to class*

J: here it is mrs Johnson, I had her she's the best don't sweat it.

N: ok well bye, Jae.

J: ooo nickname I like it anyways bye ness.

End of flashback 💭

When we first met...

Sincerely, Ness |J.H|Where stories live. Discover now